[gopher] Future of this list, etc.

Nuno Silva nunojsilva at ist.utl.pt
Tue Oct 10 16:57:19 UTC 2017

On 2017-10-10 11:20 -0500, Keiya wrote:
> On 2017-09-30 16:55, Mr. Leveck wrote:
> > 
> > Was the decision made to move to NNTP?
> I haven't seen anyone make the most important argument against moving to 
> Usenet... many ISPs - notably in Britain, but elsewhere as well - are 
> straight up blocking as many news servers as they can because the 
> perception is that Usenet is used solely for piracy now. Even ones like 
> Eternal September, which doesn't provide binaries, are getting swept up 
> in this because the ISPs don't care.

That's sad news. It is the first time I hear of such blocking, but,
alas, not the first time I encounter such anti-USENET misconceptions,
which have even included administrators in online fora prohibiting any
mention of USENET using that precise excuse.

But a question: do you happen to know where is this blocking coming from
in Britain? Any chance it's the local MPAA and RIAA-like organizations
who suggest adding servers like Eternal September to the list, and that
ISPs can't do anything even if they disagree?

More than an argument against using network news in general or USENET in
particular, I'd say this is perhaps an argument for keeping *both*,
together with the other media which have been mentioned (at least IRC?).

Nuno Silva

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