[gopher] Future of this list, etc.

Alistair alistair at zxnet.co.uk
Tue Oct 10 17:22:41 UTC 2017

On 10/10/2017 17:57, Nuno Silva wrote:
> But a question: do you happen to know where is this blocking coming from
> in Britain? Any chance it's the local MPAA and RIAA-like organizations
> who suggest adding servers like Eternal September to the list, and that
> ISPs can't do anything even if they disagree?
ISPs don't have to block anything they don't want to unless specifically 
ordered to by the courts. Of course that's not to say they won't use 
someone else's list that blocks things with a broad brush because 
they're lazy and can't be bothered having to argue!

I wonder do they just block all traffic on port 119/563? 
eternal-september and aioe both accept connections on port 80 and 443 
presumably to get around such blocks. Or perhaps they falsify the 
response in their DNS server.

I think providers should be banned from advertising their service as 
internet if they block ports at the firewall. Rebrand them as FSPs or 
"Facebook service providers"


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