[gopher] ANNOUNCE: New Web Portal for USENET

Mateusz Viste mateusz at nospam.viste.fr
Thu Oct 19 11:27:20 UTC 2017

On Thu, 19 Oct 2017 11:16:45 +0100, Matt Owen (Jaruzel) wrote:
> http://www.jaruzel.com/apps/usenet/

Very cool!

> So, is this useful or not?  If it was fleshed out into a proper platform
> would people use it?

*I* wouldn't, because I prefer natural NNTP, but I this is definitely 
something that non-USENET people might like. Esp. if it could also 
simulate a mailing list. With a mailing list add-on, I believe the 
argument USENET vs mail would become irrelevant.

You could publish this as a software project somewhere then, I'm sure 
people would find other uses for it (with other USENET groups).

mailing lists suck, right? come see us at comp.infosystems.gopher
why? gopher://gopher.viste.fr/0whyusenet.txt

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