[Guessnet-devel] [svn] r140 - trunk

Enrico Zini enrico at costa.debian.org
Wed Oct 26 14:53:18 UTC 2005

Author: enrico
Date: Wed Oct 26 14:53:17 2005
New Revision: 140

   trunk/   (props changed)
 r5633 at viaza:  enrico | 2005-10-26 16:52:48 +0200
 More FAQ updates

Modified: trunk/FAQ
--- trunk/FAQ	(original)
+++ trunk/FAQ	Wed Oct 26 14:53:17 2005
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
  3. run a guessnet scan directly: ``cat /dev/null | guessnet -i eth0``.
-Why is guessnet working in commandline but not in ifupdown?
+guessnet works when eth* is up, but always returns the default profile when eth* is down, why?
 One common cause for this is a network driver which takes some time to bring up
 the interface, so guessnet works fine when invoked on the commandline with the

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