[Guessnet-devel] [svn] r141 - trunk

Enrico Zini enrico at costa.debian.org
Thu Oct 27 10:23:48 UTC 2005

Author: enrico
Date: Thu Oct 27 10:23:48 2005
New Revision: 141

A new FAQ entry

Modified: trunk/FAQ
--- trunk/FAQ	(original)
+++ trunk/FAQ	Thu Oct 27 10:23:48 2005
@@ -165,8 +165,32 @@
 If you also happen to know *why* they work, I'd be even more interested :)
+I ran guessnet but the interface is still down
+You may be having a misunderstanding about the role of guessnet.
+The role of guessnet is to help ifupdown_ to understand which, among various
+available configurations, should be used for an interface, not to bring up the
+interface.  The job of bringing up the interface belongs to ifupdown_.
+It goes like this::
+ # ifup eth0
+ ifupdown asks guessnet: "which profile should I use for eth0?"
+ ...guessnet scans...
+ guessnet replies to ifupdown: "use profile Foobar"
+ ifupdown brings eth0 up using profile Foobar
+If you want an automatic system that brings up the network as you plug it, then
+have a look at ifplugd_: it will invoke ifup and ifdown when you plug or unplug
+the cable.  ifupdown_+guessnet+ifplugd_ make a nice automatic system for
+transparent reconfiguration of the network.
 .. _ifupdown: http://packages.debian.org/ifupdown
+.. _ifplugd: http://packages.debian.org/ifplugd
   vim:set syntax=rst:

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