[helix-maintainers] OS platform for Helix Player 2.0

Ryan Gammon rgammon@real.com
Mon, 02 May 2005 13:34:07 -0700

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Hi guys,

I sent the attached email out to player-dev@hc.org re: the platform for 
balto (helix player 2.0).

Feedback appreciated, particularly if this is going to cause probems for 
your distribution. Please include the player-dev@helixcommunity.org list 
if possible. 2.0's coming out later in the year.

Ryan Gammon
Developer for Helix Player

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Message-ID: <42768B1A.8050803@real.com>
Date: Mon, 02 May 2005 13:18:34 -0700
From: Ryan Gammon <rgammon@real.com>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20050105 Debian/1.7.5-1
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To:  player-dev@helixcommunity.org
Subject: OS platform for Helix Player 2.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi all,

We're working on coming up with platform requirements for Helix Player 
2.0 / Balto. Our initial list includes:

- gtk 2.4 or later (required, was: gtk 2.0 or later)
- alsa 1.0 (optional, new)
- dbus 0.31 or later (optional, new)

ALSA will be offered as an option along side OSS support. If a suitable 
version of ALSA is not present, the player will still function as an OSS 

A DBus-enabled desktop will be required for universal media engine 
support. If dbus is not present, the player will still function with 
this feature disabled.

Does this sound reasonable to everyone?

Ryan Gammon
Developer for Helix Player
