[I386-uclibc-devel] Re: Embeddded Debian meetup @ Extremadura

Riku Voipio riku.voipio at iki.fi
Tue Jan 3 21:51:24 UTC 2006

Trimmed cc list.. 

On Tue, Jan 03, 2006 at 03:02:40PM -0300, Daniel Ruoso wrote:
> Em Ter, 2006-01-03 às 08:16 -0600, Bill Gatliff escreveu:
> > So many important topics, so little time!
> *sigh*... Unfortunally I have to agree...

I presume this is a vote for April instead of march..

> > > * prepare uclibc ports [4]
> > Sadly, I'm not a DD (yet) but I could definitely get behind this 
> > proposal.  Not only does it benefit embedded in a BIG way

It seems Extremadura does not require attendees to DD's, so this should
not a problem. You are also clearly not the only one interested in

> this than me) want to create a toolchain integrated into debian, not as
> scratchbox or buildroot does, which works fine, but is not so nice to
> maintain a distribution...

Even in scratchbox we want to get rid of maintaining compilers, so easy
generation of crosscompilers from standard Debian packages would be

> The same case for me. But we're a little stuck in the toolchain, due to
> gcc(3-4), binutils(0.15-0.16), uclibc(ok, it's just changing too much)
> transition... I'll see some patches I just received to see if we can go
> faster...

Using stable uclibc probably makes more sense, like others already said.
Even then, managing dist-upgrade's when new uClibc versions get released
might be tricky.

> Ok. This brings another problem. The new dpkg (1.13), which claimed to
> be subarches-friendly, is, actually unfriendly. 

Can you brief us on these problems? I think EABI port might hit these

And altough this is important, currently I'm most interested in hearing
about who would be interested in coming to Extremadura to get stuff done

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