[I386-uclibc-devel] Re: Embeddded Debian meetup @ Extremadura

Daniel Ruoso daniel at ruoso.com
Tue Jan 3 23:35:52 UTC 2006

Em Ter, 2006-01-03 às 23:51 +0200, Riku Voipio escreveu:
> On Tue, Jan 03, 2006 at 03:02:40PM -0300, Daniel Ruoso wrote:
> > this than me) want to create a toolchain integrated into debian, not as
> > scratchbox or buildroot does, which works fine, but is not so nice to
> > maintain a distribution...
> Even in scratchbox we want to get rid of maintaining compilers, so easy
> generation of crosscompilers from standard Debian packages would be
> nice.

That's where we're trying to get... If the toolchain is installable as
debian packages, it will be easier to bootstrap other debian packages,
as you'll be able to use dpkg-cross to install the cross-compiled
packages, making possible to find shared libraries depends... dpkg-cross
is a great tool.

> > Ok. This brings another problem. The new dpkg (1.13), which claimed to
> > be subarches-friendly, is, actually unfriendly. 
> Can you brief us on these problems? I think EABI port might hit these
> too.. 

Try to do ./configure in dpkg with your toolchain arch set to
'i386-pc-linux-uclibc'... It will get lost... It's possible to do some
tricks (including some patches on configure and dpkg-architecture), but
even then, dpkg will stick to i486, as the i386 debian arch is i486... I
couldn't make it work the way it really should be... 

> And altough this is important, currently I'm most interested in hearing
> about who would be interested in coming to Extremadura to get stuff done
> :)

Unfortunally, I have to say that being away for debconf will be hard...
My customers requires me to be here almost all the time, so, it's almost
impossible to make another travel...

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