Script for checking boot script ordering based on LSB headers

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at
Mon Aug 22 07:56:24 UTC 2005

After adding a few LSB headers into the init.d installed in my test
chroot, I wanted a script to check if the ordering was correct.  Here
is a script to do that.  It is just a prototype, and should be
improved a lot, but I wanted to share it with the rest of you to
provide you all with the tools I have at the moment.

It is useful to check the result generated by insserv.

# Author: Petter Reinholdtsen
# Date:   2005-08-21
# Read LSM init.d headers in SysV init.d scripts, and verify correct
# start order for all runlevels

use strict;
use warnings;

my $rcbase = "/etc";
#$rcbase = "/opt/ltsp/i386/etc";

my %rcmap =
     'B' => 'rc.boot',
     'S' => 'rcS.d',
     '1' => 'rc1.d',
     '2' => 'rc2.d',
     '3' => 'rc3.d',
     '4' => 'rc4.d',
     '5' => 'rc5.d',
     '6' => 'rc6.d',

# Map packages to system metapackages.  These dependencies should
# probably be more complex
my %sysmap =
     'network'      => '$network',
     'networking'   => '$network',
     'syslog'       => '$syslog',
     'sysklogd'     => '$syslog',
     'boot.localfs' => '$local_fs'

my %scriptorder;

my $bootorder = 0;
for my $rcdir ($rcmap{S}, $rcmap{2}) {
    chdir "$rcbase/$rcdir/.";
    for my $script (<*>) {
	my ($tag, $order, $name) = $script =~ m/^(.)(\d{2})(.+)$/;

	$scriptorder{$tag}{$name} = $bootorder;
	$scriptorder{$tag}{$sysmap{$name}} = $bootorder
	    if (exists $sysmap{$name});

#	print "$script\n";
#	print "T: $tag O: $order N: $name\n";
	my %lsbinfo = load_lsb_tags("$rcbase/$rcdir/$script");
	for my $provide (split(/\s+/, $lsbinfo{'provides'})) {
	    $scriptorder{$tag}{$provide} = $bootorder;
	    $scriptorder{$tag}{$sysmap{$provide}} = $bootorder
		if (exists $sysmap{$provide});

	if ('S' eq $tag) {
	    if ($lsbinfo{'required-start'}) {
		my @depends = split(/\s+/, $lsbinfo{'required-start'});
		for my $dep (@depends) {
		    print "Incorrect order $dep\@".$scriptorder{$tag}{$dep}.
			" > $name\@$order\n"
			unless (exists $scriptorder{$tag}{$dep}
				and $scriptorder{$tag}{$dep} < $bootorder);
	if ('K' eq $tag) {

sub load_lsb_tags {
    my $initfile = shift;
    print "Loading $initfile\n";
    # Provides:          xdebconfigurator
    # Required-Start:    $syslog
    # Required-Stop:     $syslog
    # Should-Start:      2 3 4 5
    # Should-Stop:       1 6
    # Short-Description: Genererate xfree86 configuration at boot time
    # Description:       Preseed X configuration and use dexconf to
    #                    genereate a new configuration file.
    open(FILE, "<$initfile") or die "Unable to read $initfile";
    my $found = 0;
    my ($provides, $requiredstart, $requiredstop, $shouldstart, $shouldstop);
    while (<FILE>) {
	$found = 1 if (m/\#\#\# BEGIN INIT INFO/);
	next unless $found;
	last if (m/\#\#\# END INIT INFO/);

	$provides = $1      if (m/^\#\s*provides:\s+(\S*.*\S+)\s*$/i);
	$requiredstart = $1 if (m/^\#\s*required-start:\s+(\S*.*\S+)\s*$/i);
	$requiredstop = $1  if (m/^\#\s*required-stop:\s+(\S*.*\S+)\s*$/i);
	$shouldstart = $1   if (m/^\#\s*should-start:\s+(\S*.*\S+)\s*$/i);
	$shouldstop = $1    if (m/^\#\s*should-stop:\s+(\S*.*\S+)\s*$/i);
    return undef unless $found;
#    print "Provides: $provides\n" if $provides;
    return (
	    'provides'       => $provides,
	    'required-start' => $requiredstart,
	    'required-stop'  => $requiredstop,
	    'should-start'   => $shouldstart,
	    'should-stop'    => $shouldstop,

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