[SCM] applications.git branch, master, updated. b6e6c9fe2c5adcb2a7f55f62c8a911d1d2d7c7db

ontologiae ontologiae at gmail.com
Fri Nov 26 19:34:03 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit c696fa2e559a18ef3a031c2e66ed06bba929fa22
Author: ontologiae <ontologiae at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Nov 26 11:43:54 2010 +0100

    system_io now in lib

diff --git a/isaacos/x86/system/system_io.li b/isaacos/x86/system/system_io.li
deleted file mode 100755
index 5497b16..0000000
--- a/isaacos/x86/system/system_io.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-//                          Isaac Operating System                           //
-// 									     //
-//   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
-//   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    //
-//   the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License.  		     //
-// 									     //
-//   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 	     //
-//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 	     //
-//   GNU General Public License for more details. 			     //
-// 									     //
-// 			    http://www.lisaac.org			     //
-Section Header
-  + name        := SYSTEM_IO;
-  - comment     :="Lower level for Input / Output";
-  - bibliography:="http://www.www.lisaac.org";
-  - author      :="Boutet Jerome (pisteur at free.fr), Benoit Sonntag (benoit.sonntag at lisaac.org)";
-  - external := `  
-extern unsigned char ___video_text;  
-int count_char=0;
-// Hardware 'print_char'.  
-int print_char(char car)
-// Very low level buffered output.
-{ unsigned short tmp;
-  int i;
-  unsigned short pos_cur;
-  unsigned char *screen=(unsigned char *)0xB8000LU;
-  if (___video_text == 0) {
-    asm("int $0x30");
-  };
-  // Read cursor location.
-  asm("movw $0x0E,%%ax     \n\
-      movw $0x3D4,%%dx    \n\
-      outb %%al,%%dx      \n\
-      incw %%dx           \n\
-      inb  %%dx,%%al      \n\
-      movw %%ax,%0        ": "=g"(tmp) : :"ax","dx");
-  pos_cur = tmp;
-  asm("movw $0x0F,%%ax     \n\
-       movw $0x3D4,%%dx    \n\
-       outb %%al,%%dx      \n\
-       incw %%dx           \n\
-       inb  %%dx,%%al      \n\
-       movw %%ax,%0        ": "=g"(tmp) : :"ax","dx");
-  pos_cur = ((pos_cur << 8) | tmp) << 1;
-  // Write character.
-  switch (car) {    
-  case '\b':
-    if ((pos_cur % 160) != 0) {
-      pos_cur = pos_cur - 2;
-    };
-    break;
-  case '\t': 
-    pos_cur = (pos_cur + 16) & 0xFFF0;
-    break;
-  case '\n':
-    pos_cur = pos_cur + 160 - (pos_cur % 160);
-    count_char++;
-    if (count_char == 20) {
-      do {
-        asm("movw $0x60,%%dx     \n\
-             inb  %%dx,%%al      \n\
-             movw %%ax,%0        ": "=g"(tmp) : :"ax","dx");
-      } while ((tmp & 0x80) == 0);
-      do {
-        asm("movw $0x60,%%dx     \n\
-             inb  %%dx,%%al      \n\
-             movw %%ax,%0        ": "=g"(tmp) : :"ax","dx");
-      } while ((tmp & 0x80) == 0x80);      
-      count_char = 0;     
-    };
-    break; 
-  case '\r':
-    pos_cur = pos_cur - (pos_cur % 160);
-  default: // other.
-    screen[pos_cur]   = car;
-    screen[pos_cur+1] = 12;
-    pos_cur = pos_cur + 2;
-  };
-  // Scroll screen.
-  if (pos_cur>=4000) {
-    for (i=160;i<4000;i++) screen[i-160]=screen[i];
-    for (i=(4000-160);i<4000;i+=2) {
-      screen[i]     = ' ';
-      screen[i + 1] = 15;
-    };
-    pos_cur = pos_cur - 160;
-  };
-  // Write cursor location.
-  pos_cur = pos_cur >> 1;
-  tmp = pos_cur;
-  asm("movw %0,%%ax        \n\
-       movb $0x0E,%%al     \n\
-       movw $0x3D4,%%dx    \n\
-       outw %%ax,%%dx      ": : "g"(tmp) : "dx","ax");
-  tmp = (pos_cur << 8) & 0xFF00;
-  asm("movw %0,%%ax        \n\
-       movb $0x0F,%%al     \n\
-       movw $0x3D4,%%dx    \n\
-       outw %%ax,%%dx      ": : "g"(tmp) : "dx","ax");
-void print_nb(int n)
-{ int d;
- char car;
- d = 10000000;
- while (d != 0) {
-   car = n / d;
-   print_char(car+'0');
-   n = n % d;
-   d = d / 10;
- };
-// Hardware 'exit'.
-int die_with_code(int code)
-  while (1);
- `; 
-Section Inherit
-  - parent_object:OBJECT := OBJECT;
-Section Public
-  - print_char car:CHARACTER <-
-  // Low level buffered output.
-  ( + pos_cur:UINTEGER_16;
-    + screen:NATIVE_ARRAY(INTEGER_8);
-    (VIDEO.is_active).if {
-      VIDEO.close;
-    };
-    // Screen location.
-    // Read cursor location.
-    SYSTEM.putb 0Eh to 3D4h;
-    pos_cur := SYSTEM.itemb 3D5h;
-    SYSTEM.putb 0Fh to 3D4h;
-    pos_cur := ((pos_cur << 8) | SYSTEM.itemb 3D5h) << 1;
-    // Write character.
-    car    
-    .when '\b' then {
-      ((pos_cur % 160) != 0).if {
-	pos_cur := pos_cur - 2;
-      };
-    }
-    .when '\t' then {
-      pos_cur := (pos_cur + 16) & 0FFF0h;
-    }
-    .when '\n' then {
-      pos_cur := pos_cur + 160 - (pos_cur % 160);
-    } 
-    .when '\r' then {
-      pos_cur := pos_cur - (pos_cur % 160);
-    }
-    .when '\14\' to (127.to_character) then {
-      // other.
-      screen.put (car.to_integer_8) to pos_cur;
-      screen.put 15  to (pos_cur + 1);
-      pos_cur := pos_cur + 2;
-    };
-    // Scroll screen.
-    (pos_cur>=4000).if {
-      screen.move 160 to 3999 by (-160);
-      (4000-160).to 3999 by 2 do { i:INTEGER;
-	screen.put (' '.to_integer_8) to i;
-	screen.put 15  to (i+1);
-      };
-      pos_cur := pos_cur - 160;
-    };
-    // Write cursor location.
-    pos_cur := pos_cur >> 1;
-    SYSTEM.putw ((pos_cur & 0FF00h) | 0Eh) to 3D4h;
-    SYSTEM.putw ((pos_cur << 8) | 0Fh)     to 3D4h;
-  );
-  - print_error_char char:CHARACTER <-
-  // Low level buffered error output.
-  (
-    print_char char;
-  ); 
-  - get_char :CHARACTER <- ((KEYBOARD.get_key & 0FFh).to_character);
-  - eof:CHARACTER <- ((-1).to_character);


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