[SCM] applications.git branch, master, updated. b6e6c9fe2c5adcb2a7f55f62c8a911d1d2d7c7db

ontologiae ontologiae at gmail.com
Fri Nov 26 19:34:03 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit bc6dd78801401c8305f7b93a88e2e66c08fdff77
Author: ontologiae <ontologiae at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Nov 26 11:53:07 2010 +0100

    system.li now in x86 lib

diff --git a/isaacos/x86/system/system.li b/isaacos/x86/system/system.li
deleted file mode 100755
index 6780ec8..0000000
--- a/isaacos/x86/system/system.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,519 +0,0 @@
-//                          Isaac Operating System                           //
-// 									     //
-//   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
-//   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    //
-//   the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License.  		     //
-// 									     //
-//   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 	     //
-//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 	     //
-//   GNU General Public License for more details. 			     //
-// 									     //
-// 			    http://www.lisaac.org			     //
-Section Header
-  + name        := SYSTEM;
-  - bibliography:= "http://www.lisaac.org";
-  - author      := "Boutet Jerome (pisteur at free.fr),Sonntag Benoit (benoit.sonntag at lisaac.org)";
-  - comment     := "Intel System Object (methods).";
-  - external := `  
-unsigned char ___video_text=1;
-#define __BEGIN_INTERRUPT__ volatile unsigned long eax; \
-  volatile unsigned long ebx; \
-  volatile unsigned long ecx; \
-  volatile unsigned long edx; \
-  volatile unsigned long esi; \
-  volatile unsigned long edi; \
-                              \
-  asm volatile (\
-  "/* BEGIN INTERRUPT */ \n\
-  movl %%eax,%0 \n\
-  movl %%ebx,%1 \n\
-  movl %%ecx,%2 \n\
-  movl %%edx,%3 \n\
-  movl %%esi,%4 \n\
-  movl %%edi,%5 \n\
-  /* BEGIN CODE */" \
-  : "=m"(eax),"=m"(ebx),"=m"(ecx),"=m"(edx),"=m"(esi),"=m"(edi) \
-  : /* no input */ \
-  : "eax","edx","ecx","ebx","esi","edi", "memory");
-#define __END_INTERRUPT__ asm volatile (\
- "/* END CODE */  \n\
-  movl %0,%%eax \n\
-  movl %1,%%ebx \n\
-  movl %2,%%ecx \n\
-  movl %3,%%edx \n\
-  movl %4,%%esi \n\
-  movl %5,%%edi \n\
- movl %%ebp,%%esp \n\
- popl %%ebp       \n\
- iret             \n\
- /* END INTERRUPT */" \
- : /* no output */    \
- : "m"(eax),"m"(ebx),"m"(ecx),"m"(edx),"m"(esi),"m"(edi) \
- : "eax","edx","ecx","ebx","esi","edi", "memory");
-int __bss_stop;
-Section Private  
-  - idtr_mem:NATIVE_ARRAY(UINTEGER_16) := NATIVE_ARRAY(UINTEGER_16).create 3;
-Section Public
-  - realloc_c (beg:UINTEGER_32,nb:INTEGER) :UINTEGER_32 <- crash_with_message "SYSTEM.realloc_c";
-  - is_ansi:BOOLEAN := FALSE;
-  // Memory init
-  // Ancienne ligne
-  //- get_begin_memory:UINTEGER_32 :=  `&__bss_stop`:UINTEGER_32.align_power 4096; //400000h;  // 4MB
-  // Nouvelle ligne pour que ça compile
-  - get_begin_memory:POINTER :=  CONVERT(UINTEGER_32,POINTER).on (`&__bss_stop`:UINTEGER_32.align_power 4096); //400000h;  // 4MB
-  - get_memory_capacity:UINTEGER_CPU <-
-    + byte:INTEGER_8;
-    + capacity:UINTEGER_CPU;
-    /* JBJB ... A VOIR ... www.ctyme.com/rbrowne.htm
-    // Call Int 15h / AH=88h
-    REGISTER.set_ah 88h;
-    BIOS.call_interrupt 15h;
-    (REGISTER.ax = 0FFC0h).if {
-      // > 64Mb       
-      // Call Int 15h / AX=E801h
-      REGISTER.set_ax 0E801h;
-      BIOS.call_interrupt 15h;
-      REGISTER.print;
-      capacity := REGISTER.bx << 6;  
-    };
-    capacity := (capacity + REGISTER.ax + 1024) << 10;
-    */
-/* // Pose trop de problème à la compil
-   // BUG COMPIL !!! Line #74 Column #27 in PUT_TO (.../src/external/put_to.li). Call On NULL
-    all_memory := CONVERT(POINTER,NATIVE_ARRAY_VOLATILE(INTEGER_8)).on get_begin_memory; 
-   // all_memory := CONVERT(NATIVE_ARRAY_VOLATILE(INTEGER_8),POINTER).on all_memory;
-    {
-      capacity := capacity + 200000h;
-      byte := all_memory.item (capacity.to_uinteger_64.to_uinteger_32);
-      all_memory.force_put (~byte) to (capacity.to_uinteger_64.to_uinteger_32);  
-      all_memory.force_put 0 to ((capacity.to_uinteger_64.to_uinteger_32) + 1); // Cache invalidation for old x86 generation
-      //`print_char('0')`;
-    }.do_until {byte != ~all_memory.item (capacity.to_uinteger_64.to_uinteger_32)};
-    */
-    `/*BSBS MEM*/`;
-    //capacity
-    8388608 // 8Mb
-  );
-  // Other Features
-  - wait <-
-  // Wait hardware interruption.
-  (
-    `asm("wait")`;
-  );
-  - exit code:INTEGER <-
-  (
-    interrupt_off;
-    //"System locked: #".print;
-    //code.print;
-    {}.endless_loop;
-  );
-  //
-  // In / Out Hardware Port.
-  //
-  - itemb port:UINTEGER_16 :UINTEGER_8<-
-  // Read in port
-  ( + result:UINTEGER_8;
-    `{ unsigned short port;
-       volatile unsigned short val;
-       port=@port;
-       asm("movw %1,%%dx   \n\
-	    inb %%dx,%%al  \n\
-	    movw %%ax,%0  ": "=m"(val) : "m"(port) : "dx","ax");
-	    `;	    
-       result:=`val`:UINTEGER_8;    
-     `}`;
-    result
-  );
-  - putb value:UINTEGER_8 to port:UINTEGER_16 <-
-  // Write in port
-  (
-    `{ unsigned short port;
-       unsigned short val;
-       port=@port;
-       val =@value;
-       asm("movw %0,%%dx    \n\
-            movw %1,%%ax    \n\
-            outb %%al,%%dx  ": /*  no output */ : "m"(port), "m"(val) : "dx","ax");
-     }`;
-  );
-  - itemw port:UINTEGER_16 :UINTEGER_16<-
-  // Read in port
-  ( + result:UINTEGER_16;
-    `{ unsigned short port;
-       volatile unsigned short val;
-       port=@port;
-       asm("movw %1,%%dx \n\
-            inw %%dx,%%ax    \n\
-            movw %%ax,%0  ": "=m"(val) : "m"(port) : "dx","ax")`;
-       result:=`val`:UINTEGER_16;
-    `}`;
-    result
-  );
-  - putw value:UINTEGER_16 to port:UINTEGER_16 <-
-  // Write in port
-  (
-    `{ unsigned short port,val;
-       port=@port;
-       val =@value;
-       asm("movw %0,%%dx    \n\
-            movw %1,%%ax    \n\
-            outw %%ax,%%dx  ": /*  no output */ : "m"(port), "m"(val) : "dx","ax");
-     }`;
-  );
-  //
-  // Interrupt manager.
-  //
-Section Private
-Section Public
-  - descriptor_code:UINTEGER_16 := 18h;
-  - descriptor_data:UINTEGER_16 := 20h;
-  - interrupt_on  <- `asm("STI")`;
-  - interrupt_off <- `asm("CLI")`;
-  - new_interrupt offset:POINTER to num:UINTEGER_8 <-
-  ( 
-    idt.item num.make (offset.to_uinteger_32);
-  );
-  - idtr:UINTEGER_32 <-
-  ( + mem:UINTEGER_32;    
-    mem:=CONVERT(NATIVE_ARRAY(UINTEGER_16),UINTEGER_32).on idtr_mem;
-    `asm volatile ("movl %0,%%eax	\n\
-      .byte 0x0F	\n\
-      .byte 0x01	\n\
-      .byte 0x08        \n": /* no output */ : "g" (@mem) : "eax", "memory")`;
-    (idtr_mem.item 2.to_uinteger_32<< 16) | idtr_mem.item 1
-  );
-  - set_idtr addr:UINTEGER_32 limit sz:UINTEGER_16 <-
-  ( + mem:UINTEGER_32;    
-    mem:=CONVERT(NATIVE_ARRAY(UINTEGER_16),UINTEGER_32).on idtr_mem;
-    // Write addr
-    idtr_mem.put ((addr >> 16).to_uinteger_16) to 2;
-    idtr_mem.put ((addr & 0FFFFh).to_uinteger_16) to 1;
-    // Write limit
-    idtr_mem.put sz to 0;
-    `asm("movl %0,%%eax	\n\
-      .byte 0x0F	\n\
-      .byte 0x01	\n\
-      .byte 0x18        \n": /* no output */ : "g" (@mem) : "eax")`;
-  );
-  //
-  // IRQ manager.
-  //
-  - irq_on num:INTEGER_8 <-
-  ( + mask:UINTEGER_8;
-    ? {num<=15};
-    (num<8).if {
-      //mask:= ~ (1.to_uinteger_8 << num);
-	//LISAAC2 bug
-	mask:= ((~ (1<<((num)& 0Fh)))& 0FFh).to_uinteger_8;
-      putb (itemb 21h & mask) to 21h;
-    } else {
-      mask:= ((~ (1<<((num-8)& 0Fh)))& 0FFh).to_uinteger_8;
-      putb (itemb 0A1h & mask) to 0A1h;
-    };
-  );
-  - irq_off num:UINTEGER_8 <-
-  ( + mask:UINTEGER_8;
-    ? {num<=15};
-    (num<8).if {
-      mask:= 1.to_uinteger_8 << num;
-      putb (itemb 21h | mask) to 21h;
-    } else {
-      mask:= 1.to_uinteger_8 << (num-8);
-      putb (itemb 0A1h | mask) to 0A1h;
-    };
-  );
-  //
-  // Exceptions
-  //
-Section Interrupt
-  - exception_00 <- 
-  (
-    'E'.print;
-    '0'.print;
-    //"\nException N�00h : Division par zero !\n".print;
-    exit 1;
-  );
-  - exception_01 <-
-  (
-    'E'.print;
-    '1'.print;
-    //"\nException N�01h : Trace !\n".print;
-    exit 1;
-  );
-  - exception_02 <-
-  (
-    'E'.print;
-    '2'.print;
-    //"\nException N�02h : Non masquable !".print;
-    exit 1;
-  );
-  - exception_03 <-
-  (
-    'E'.print;
-    '3'.print;
-    //"\nException N�03h : Point d'arr�t !".print; 
-    exit 1; 
-  );
-  - exception_04 <-
-  (
-    'E'.print;
-    '4'.print;
-    //"\nException N�04h : D�passement de capacit� INTO !".print; 
-    exit 1;
-  );
-  - exception_05 <-
-  (
-    'E'.print;
-    '5'.print;
-    //"\nException N�05h : D�bordement de limites BOUND !".print; 
-    exit 1; 
-  );
-  - exception_06 <-
-  (
-    'E'.print;
-    '6'.print;
-    //"\nException N�06h : Opcode invalide !\n".print;
-    exit 1;
-  );
-  - exception_07 <-
-  (
-    'E'.print;
-    '7'.print;
-    //"\nException N�07h : Coprocesseur indisponible !".print; 
-    exit 1; 
-  );
-  - exception_08 <-
-  (
-    'E'.print;
-    '8'.print;
-    //"\nException N�08h : Double faute !".print; 
-    exit 1; 
-  );
-  - exception_09 <-
-  (
-    'E'.print;
-    '9'.print;
-    //"\nException N�09h : D�bordement de segment !".print; 
-    exit 1;
-  );
-  - exception_0a <-
-  (
-    'E'.print;
-    'a'.print;
-    //"\nException N�0Ah : Segment de t�che invalide ! ".print;
-    exit 1;
-  );
-  - exception_0b <-
-  (
-    'E'.print;
-    'b'.print;
-    //"\nException N�0Bh : Segment absent !".print; 
-    exit 1;
-  );
-  - exception_0c <-
-  (
-    'E'.print;
-    'c'.print;
-    //"\nException N�0Ch : Faute de pile !".print; 
-    exit 1; 
-  );
-  - exception_0d <-
-  (
-    'E'.print;
-    'd'.print;
-    //"\nException N�0Dh : Protection generale !\n".print;
-    exit 1;
-  );
-  - exception_0e <-
-  (
-    'E'.print;
-    'e'.print;
-    //"\nException N�0Eh : Faute de page !".print; 
-    exit 1; 
-  );
-  - exception_0f <-
-  (
-    'E'.print;
-    'f'.print;
-    //"\nException N�0Fh : R�serv� Intel !".print; 
-    exit 1; 
-  );
-  - exception_10 <-
-  (
-    'E'.print;
-    '1'.print;
-    '0'.print;
-    //"\nException N�10h : Error coprocesseur !".print; 
-    exit 1; 
-  );
-  - exception_11 <-
-  (
-    'E'.print;
-    '1'.print;
-    '1'.print;
-    //"\nException N�11h : V�rification d'alignement !".print; 
-    exit 1; 
-  );
-  - exception_12_1f <-
-  (
-    'E'.print;
-    'x'.print;
-    //"\nException N�12h-1Fh : R�serv� Intel !".print; 
-    exit 1; 
-  );
-  //
-  // Service interrupt.
-  - mode_text <-
-  // int. 30h.
-  (
-    VIDEO.close;
-    //"Mode text:\n".print;
-  );
-Section Public
-  //
-  // Creation.
-  //
-  - make <-
-  (    
-    new_interrupt exception_01 to 01h;       
-    new_interrupt exception_0d to 0Dh;
-    // Other exceptions.
-    new_interrupt exception_00 to 00h;
-    new_interrupt exception_02 to 02h;
-    new_interrupt exception_03 to 03h;
-    new_interrupt exception_04 to 04h;
-    new_interrupt exception_05 to 05h;
-    new_interrupt exception_06 to 06h;
-    new_interrupt exception_07 to 07h;
-    new_interrupt exception_08 to 08h;
-    new_interrupt exception_09 to 09h;
-    new_interrupt exception_0a to 0Ah;
-    new_interrupt exception_0b to 0Bh;
-    new_interrupt exception_0c to 0Ch;
-    new_interrupt exception_0e to 0Eh;
-    new_interrupt exception_0f to 0Fh;
-    new_interrupt exception_10 to 10h;
-    new_interrupt exception_11 to 11h;
-  /* // Ce code fait planter le compilateur !!!!! 
-    12h.to 1Fh do { n:UINTEGER_8;
-      new_interrupt exception_12_1f to n;
-    };*/
-   new_interrupt exception_12_1f to 12h;
-   new_interrupt exception_12_1f to 13h;
-   new_interrupt exception_12_1f to 14h;
-   new_interrupt exception_12_1f to 15h;
-   new_interrupt exception_12_1f to 16h;
-   new_interrupt exception_12_1f to 1Ah;
-   new_interrupt exception_12_1f to 1Bh;
-   new_interrupt exception_12_1f to 1Ch;
-   new_interrupt exception_12_1f to 1Dh;
-   new_interrupt exception_12_1f to 1Eh;
-   new_interrupt exception_12_1f to 1Fh;
-    // Interrupt service.
-    new_interrupt mode_text to 30h;
-    // IRQ cascade on:
-    irq_on 2;
-    // STI
-    interrupt_on;    
-  );


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