debian package and 0.39_beta thoughts

PICCA Frédéric-Emmanuel frederic-emmanuel.picca at
Sat Dec 5 21:13:48 UTC 2009

> 0.39-rc1 is buggy on windows and need some fixes.
> But we can use this version to prepare the debian package for the 0.4 release.

I see a problem with how things are organize on the compiler.git repository.

If you consider the master branch as the next stable version, you should make all the changes in the master then
merge it to the stable branch.

but for now stable contain some relevant changes that are not in master (especially the Makefile and maybe other things)

So to my opinion it would be nice exceptionnaly to merge stable into master to include the relevant changes of stable into master. The stable branch must be contain in the master branch. This is not the case today.

what do you think about this ?

> also numbering with three digits is better that this -beta or -rc thing. 0.39 is already a pre release for the 0.40 version ;). It cause problem during the debian process. is 0.39_beta > 0.39-rc1 ???

Yes. Then we will probably have a 0.39-rc2 and maybe rc3 before 0.4

> > So I would vote for lisaac-0.39.1.tar.gz

> Already discussed with Benoit. He don't like 3 digits in version and want to
> keep it simpler with 2 digits

sorry I did not know about this.

See you

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