debian package and 0.39_beta thoughts

Mildred Ki'Lya ml.mildred593 at
Sun Dec 6 21:07:36 UTC 2009

On 12/06/2009 01:08 AM, Xavier Oswald wrote:
> The main point is that nobody has to commit to stable, only benoit merge things
> from master to stable  when a new feature is ready.
> Doing some stable to master merge get things confusing.
> A small remember:
> * master : Where Benoit work and nobody else.
> * stable : Benoit merge things from master to stable when a feature is ready
> * name-feature: Everbody can do a branch with a new feature, and then ask Benoit
>                 to do the merge.
> * debian : where the debian packaging is
> * pristine-tar : for debian too

Well, merging from stable to master is confusing if you consider that
everything in the compiler must be implemented in master.

Now, say that there is an alternate branch provided by one of us. Ben
would merge it directly to stable when it meets his standards. Then he
would need to merge from stable to master to get up to date with that

It's something like this:

name-feature    o---o---o
               /         \
              /           \
stable  -----o--------o----o-------------o---
                     /      \           /
                    /        \         /
master   --o---o---o----o-----o---o---o---

In this, Ben updates the branch master as he see fit, and merge it into
stable. In the meantime, there is a name-feature branch being developed.
When Ben sees this branch ready, he merges it into stable. And to keep
his branch (master) up to date he has to merge from stable to master. He
then makes some other changes and merge them again in stable.


Mildred Ki'Lya
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