debian package and 0.39_beta thoughts

PICCA Frédéric-Emmanuel frederic-emmanuel.picca at
Sun Dec 6 09:20:29 UTC 2009

> The main point is that nobody has to commit to stable, only benoit merge things
> from master to stable  when a new feature is ready.

I understand this, in that case if you do not want to miss the changes made by Myldred in the stable
branch since the last master -> stable merge, benoit MUST merge stable -> master.
(Makefile and other bug fixes) because each time you will merge master -> stable, you will have a change of comportement
from lisaac in-between stable and master.

> Doing some stable to master merge get things confusing.

the confusing thing is that stable contain change not already in master.

once you have made this it will be ok, until you commit something directly in stable.

> A small remember:

> * master : Where Benoit work and nobody else. (ok)

(a special name-feature for Benoit ;)

> * stable : Benoit merge things from master to stable when a feature is ready

(only merges on this branch from master (by Benoit) or from name-features also merge in master
to avoid changes included only in stable. (done by Benoit also)

* name-feature: Everbody can do a branch with a new feature, and then ask Benoit
                to do the merge.

the name-feature is bases on stable then merge into master or in both master + stable if this is a stable bugfix.

> * debian : where the debian packaging is
> * pristine-tar : for debian too

> @ Fred. For debian, we thus need a upstream branch where we could put upstream
> tags from the stable branch and then use it for packaging.

> So, branch debian, upstream and pristine-tar are debian related branch.

It is ok for me, I will wait until a new release is ready (with the right Makefile :)


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