COP Version 2.0

bb bblochl at
Sat Jan 30 11:39:35 UTC 2010

bb schrieb:
> bb schrieb:
>> PICCA Frédéric-Emmanuel schrieb:
>>> ok so I took the Makefile of the stable version and try to compile 
>>> the 0.39-rc1 version.
>>> I attach the Makefile as I have to do a small modification to help 
>>> lisaac finding the library path by defining
>>> but I have this problem when compiling the shorter
>>> picca at mordor:~/Debian/lisaac/lisaac$ make all
>>> cd bin && LISAAC_DIRECTORY=`pwd`/.. ./lisaac ../src/make.lip 
>>> -shorter -boost
>>> Depending pass: ..--SEMANTIC---------
>>> Invariance type result invalid.
>>> Line 36 column 11 in 
>>> PARSER(.../lib/unstable/expat-binding/src/
>>>   + parent :Expanded EXPAT_OBJECT;
>>>            ^
>>> Line 36 column 11 in 
>>> EXPAT_OBJECT(.../lib/unstable/expat-binding/src/private/ 
>>>   + parent :Expanded OBJECT;
>>>            ^
>>> make: *** [bin/shorter] Erreur 1
In make.lip there are missing all the pathes and something more:

Section Private
  - src_path <-
    path_li "src/";
    path_li "src/tools/";
    path_li "src/type/";
    path_li "src/item/";
    path_li "src/constant/";
    path_li "src/variable/";
    path_li "src/external/";
    path_li "src/external/logic/";
    path_li "src/external/arithmetic/";
    path_li "src/external/comparison/";
    path_li "src/dispatcher/";
    path_li "src/code_life/";   
    path_li "src/lip/";   
  - compiler_path <-
    input_file := "lisaac";
    path_li "src/compiler_any/";
  - shorter_path <-
    input_file := "shorter";
    path_li "src/shorter_any/";

After adding that lines ad some changes just described above make all 
obviously is running - but out of memory :-(

make all
cd bin && LISAAC_DIRECTORY=`pwd`/.. ./lisaac ../src/make.lip -shorter -boost
Not enough memory.
make: *** [bin/shorter] Fehler 1

May be someone more skilled kan fix that?


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