[Logcheck-devel] regexp database question

Mici Maci mmaci at freemail.hu
Sat Dec 18 16:38:52 UTC 2004

   Hi All,

I'm interested in setting up a central log collector and
analyser system.  I have written a CGI, that displays
log messages throug an https connection, and I have
added a selection menu to choose an ignorance level:
none < paranoid < server < workstation.  I use Your
*.d *.ignore.d ignore.d.{server,workstation,paranoid}
files to deal with a log line.

The CGI works fine on my PC but behaves differently
on the productional system.  Reason: I realized that the
database files are different on the two machines: on my
PC there are lots of packages installed that have their own
/etc/logcheck/... regexp files.  For example: apmd,
clamav-daemon, fetchmail, gnome-bin, ntpdate,
nullmailer, syslog-ng, etc. in addition to logcheck-database.
(I use Debian Linux.)   On the productional system
there's only logcheck-database and syslog-ng installed.
Patterns for a lot of service is missing.

How does it work?  Will these additional regexp files
migrated into the logcheck-database package in the
future? Or do I have to grab all the disorganized files
from other packages?  I don't want to install unnecessary
packages at all.  Could You please help me find the


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