[Logcheck-devel] regexp database question

Todd Troxell ttroxell at debian.org
Mon Dec 20 20:26:31 UTC 2004


On Sat, Dec 18, 2004 at 05:38:52PM +0100, Mici Maci wrote:
> How does it work?  Will these additional regexp files
> migrated into the logcheck-database package in the
> future? Or do I have to grab all the disorganized files
> from other packages?  I don't want to install unnecessary
> packages at all.  Could You please help me find the
> solution?

This is an interesting problem, and one that I had not considered.  The cool
part about having our rules in other packages is that it allows people that
[should] know the packages better than we do to maintain the rules, while
also saving cycles on machines by not having unnecessary rules.

The best method I can come up with to get *all* rules is to write a script
that parses the contents search[1] results and extracts the rules from each

[   Todd J. Troxell                                         ,''`.
      Student, Debian GNU/Linux Developer, SysAdmin, Geek  : :' :
      http://debian.org || http://rapidpacket.com/~xtat    `. `' 
                                                             `-     ]
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