[Logcheck-devel] README.Debian

Gerfried Fuchs alfie at ist.org
Thu May 13 21:50:42 UTC 2004

* maks attems <debian at sternwelten.at> [2004-05-13 11:22]:
> On Wed, 12 May 2004, Eric Evans wrote:
>> My understanding is that README.Debian is used to indicate differences
>> between the Debianized version and the original package. Since logcheck
>> is Debian native, these are one and the same.
> well after installing a package aboves file is my first look.

 Because most packages are not native packages.

> it contains comments regarding the package: first steps,
> quick configuration, specifics, references, FAQ's, HOWTO's ..

 But those should be Debian specific. Regarding changes that aren't
really according to upstream package.

 Take it this way: README.Debian is to README like changelog.Debian.gz
to changelog.gz. If we are native we only have changelog.gz and shall
only have README.

 This has even further reasoning: If other distributions like to pick up
the source and do a package for them they would rather strip off any
README.Debian, or stuff in the debian subdirectory. So it is even
sensible to stick the README file outside of the debian subdirectory.

> i know that README.Debian is an optional file

 Yes, because not every package changes the upstream sources in a way
that users must be noted especially. And some others are native packages
which also shouldn't have a README.Debian.

> and that it's easier to change the reference in harden-doc,

 Would definitely make sense. Although, I'm not sure if the
long-standing plans are to keep it as a native Debian package, or to
revive seperated upstream tarball at some time again. Then it might be
needed to change it back. But that shouldn't be a too hard reasoning for
not request the change.

> but i thought that as usability bug?

 Usability depends on the usa^Her. :)
<Alfie> Von sid wirds nie ein netinst geben.
<hygl> Alfie: darf ich dich damit zitieren, wenn sid stable ist?
                    -- #debian.de
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