[Logcheck-devel] Freeze on 1.2.21

Todd Troxell ttroxell at debian.org
Wed May 26 06:52:48 UTC 2004

Hey guys,

Barring any objections, lets freeze 1.2.21.  We've got lots of changes in the
pipe and .20a is about to be considered for testing.

(So freeze meaning fix things we broke in .21 | critical problems)

It looks like Maks has 1.2.21 testing packages up on debian.stro.at, so lets
try to catch any bugs in these and prepare for upload within the next week.

Stuff for .22:
-test mode
-figure out why logcheck pre-depends on logtail
-other lintian issues
-the usual batch of rule updates

Did I miss anything?


p.s. maks' apt line for testing is:
deb http://debian.stro.at sarge/

[   Todd J. Troxell                                         ,''`.
      Student, Debian GNU/Linux Developer, SysAdmin, Geek  : :' :
      http://debian.org || http://rapidpacket.com/~xtat    `. `' 
                                                             `-     ]
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