[meetbot-devel] status of meetbot? email patches

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Tue Mar 6 15:36:14 UTC 2012

On Mon, 05 Mar 2012 22:30:48 -0500
"Derek Carter (aka goozbach)" <goozbach at friocorte.com> wrote:

> >
> > Here's our code for sending meeting emails right away after
> > #endmeeting.
> >
> > It could use some work, config per channel for example.
> >
> > Some sort of email validation would be nice. (ie send a test
> > message, and request a code to enter).
> >
> > --
> > Derek
> > aka goozbach
> >
> Helsp if you provide the URL
> https://github.com/goozbach/meetbot/commit/b0dfcdf00acfd6d81959157a068e2aedacd2e429


I'd like something a bit more flexable... ie, my use case is the
#fedora-meeting channel for Fedora meetings. We would like to mail
every meeting to a meeting minutes list. So, we would need to add
meeting name and other meta info to seperate them out. Also, ideally it
would have the summary, then the minutes. 

Also, it sounds like a number of us are still around, but I've not
heard anything from Darst? It would sure be nice to get some of this
fixed up and an official release out. ;) 


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