[Neurodebian-devel] Code Ready to Commit

Mehmet Kocaturk mehmet.kocaturk at boun.edu.tr
Fri Jan 28 02:56:54 UTC 2011

Hi Dr.Halchenko,

I could also implement spike sorting feature (attached is the snapshot for
it) and removed some unnecessary lines of code that I used for testing. As
far as I used the software in our experiments, I did not deal with any bug.
Therefore, in my opinion, the project is ready to be shared. 

Now the question is: How can I send you the code? :) Please let me know
about your process for this.

Mehmet Kocaturk
Ph.D. Candidate, Research Assistant 
Bogazici University 
Biomedical Engineering Institute 
Kandilli Campus 
34684 Cengelkoy-Istanbul Turkey 
e-mail: mehmet.kocaturk at boun.edu.tr 
Mobile: +90 505  6287393 
Tel: +90 216 5163475 
Fax: +90 216 5163479   

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