[Neurodebian-devel] GSoC project idea

Yury V. Zaytsev yury at shurup.com
Tue Mar 20 12:37:05 UTC 2012

Hi Michael,

I still don't get it how your idea can be generalized to be useful
outside of this particular testing pipeline, since most Python glue is
going to be quite specific to your stack, but...

... it is now known that INCF was accepted into GSoC again this year and
I was hoping to see your project on the list of ideas, so that I could
hopefully understand it better in a written form.

If you are still up for mentoring this project, I would suggest you to
contact Raphael immediately to add it to the ideas page, because it has
got some exposure already and I've seen posts at incf-devel@ today
inquiring about the specifics of the projects that they are offering...

Even if it doesn't generalize so greatly don't let my feedback so far to
inhibit the implementation of which many will possibly benefit.

Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev

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