[Neurodebian-devel] Uploading pyqtgraph packages

Luke Campagnola luke.campagnola at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 03:46:49 UTC 2013

Howdy List,
I am the developer of acq4 (acq4.org) and pyqtgraph (pyqtgraph.org). I am
interested in having my packages added to the NeuroDebian and Debian
repositories. I have been in contact with Yaroslav, who has offered to help
me with this. Here's where I am at:

- Debian packages for pyqtgraph are built; I have .dsc and .orig.tar.gz
- Lintian reports the following warnings when I build the package (using
debuild -us -uc):
    W: python-pyqtgraph source: changelog-should-mention-nmu
    W: python-pyqtgraph source: source-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number
- Currently setting up COWs using nd_adddistall; I'll report back when this
is complete.

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