[Neurodebian-upstream] PyNN + NeuroTools packages

Yury V. Zaytsev yury at shurup.com
Sun Nov 14 17:53:26 UTC 2010


On Sun, 2010-11-14 at 16:02 +0000, Andrew Davison wrote:

> I'm the principal developer of PyNN and am also in involved in
> NeuroTools. I would love to get these tools packaged, but the
> steepness of the initial learning curve has always put me off.

Sorry, Andrew, that I didn't CC you, but I hope that you don't mind if I
promote PyNN / NeuroTools a little bit :-)

Yes, creating Debian packages to me looks overly complicated (as a
rather skilled RPM packager I would say that RPM is engineered to work,
but DEB is engineered for the sake of creating a beautiful piece of
engineering, and how long does it take to master packaging is mostly an
irrelevant point in this context :-) )

However, with the advent of dh7 (thank you so much Joe!), it's actually
possible to wrap your mind around it and once you acquire some basic
knowledge about system internals you can work rather efficiently.

If Yaroslav gets the initial packaging done, the maintenance required
would be mostly updating the file lists as PyNN extends and grows.

> (And yes, I am an Ubuntu user :-)

I didn't want to take my chances ;-)
Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev

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