[newmaint-site] More news from the mini-DebConf in Cambridge

Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Sun Nov 17 16:36:19 UTC 2013


the mini-DebConf in Cambridge is reaching its end, and here's the rest
of what I did:

 - I have simplified submission, allowing to use a single object instead
   of an array for id and contributions.
 - I have fixed date sorting in tables, which previously was
   alphabetical, which was inappropriate.
 - We now have a live security tracker source, thanks to Federico
 - The code now uses a common Submission parser in the website and in
   the data mining modules. This allows people writing data mining to
   validate their data before sending them to the site, using the same
   code the site uses for validation.
 - I cleaned up the prototype dak-scanning code, and mailed ftp-master
   inviting them to set up their data source.

As soon as Alioth is back up again, I think we are finally ready to send
out a call for people to implement data sources. This is quite a turning
point: we are about to really go live, and I'm really excited about



GPG key: 4096R/E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enrico at enricozini.org>
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