[PKG-Openstack-devel] Taking ruby-netaddr into the Ruby team's namespace on salsa?

Thomas Goirand zigo at debian.org
Wed Apr 15 15:53:42 BST 2020

On 4/13/20 2:01 PM, Daniel Leidert wrote:
> Hi there,
> ruby-netaddr is failing autopkgtest in both testing and unstable. The reason is
> that the tests try to include lib/netaddr.rb, but autopkgtest actually moves
> lib away to test the installed package. I now saw that this package is in your
> namespace and was wondering if you would agree to move it into the Ruby team's
> namespace? Otherwise would you be ok with me NMUing it, updating both the
> packaging files to current standards (including current ruby packaging
> standard) and fixing the issue?
> Regards, Daniel

Hi Daniel,

Please go ahead and take over the package!


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