[Packaging-handbook-project] Cooperation between Miriam's course on Debian packages and the Debian Packaging Handbook project

Luca Brivio lucab83 at infinito.it
Tue Aug 28 23:59:23 UTC 2007

Hi people,
as some of you possibly know, Miriam Ruiz is setting up a course on Debian 
package development[1] in LinuxChix.

Since she aims to provide a truly complete and thorough introduction to all 
aspects of developing Debian packages, this look like an outstanding chance 
for cooperating. While both contents and shape of her course and our handbook 
will in many ways differ, I think there's nevertheless enough interesting 
room to make things together. I do mean writing, merging, editing and adapt 
text for our different purposes.

Any replies are really welcome, as usual.

Miriam, do you already have any idea about which parts of the course you will 
need help for?

(License-wise, Davide and I would at this moment adopt GPL2+ - this won't 
forbid us to re-license some parts or put them in the public domain, but 
might clearly have some disadvantages -, but please tell me if you don't 
agree with us.)

[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-women/2007/08/msg00009.html


Luca Brivio

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