[Packaging-handbook-project] Cooperation between Miriam's course on Debian packages and the Debian Packaging Handbook project

Luca Brivio lucab83 at infinito.it
Wed Aug 29 23:12:02 UTC 2007

mer 29 agosto 2007, François Févotte ha scritto:
> Although I do not have yet any idea how this could be done, I think it would 
> be better to have a common base for both documents, and to consider each
> document as a branch derived from it (much as a VCS would do). Then
> there could be easy ways to propagate changes from one branch to the
> other.

As you may have noticed, your proposal has reached 'spread' consensus in a few 
hours... Fort bien! :-)

> The first solution I can think of to do this would be to use a text-based 
> format for the documents and a VCS to manage the two branches

Now we have to choice the format to be used for source files. I'm about to 
write down some thoughts...


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