[Packaging-handbook-project] Cooperation between Miriam's course on Debian packages and the Debian Packaging Handbook project

François Févotte francois.fevotte at ensta.org
Thu Aug 30 09:51:46 UTC 2007


On 8/30/07, Luca Brivio <lucab83 at infinito.it> wrote:
> As you may have noticed, your proposal has reached 'spread' consensus in a few
> hours... Fort bien! :-)

Wow!  I wouldn't have thought it would be so quick! (actually, I
wouldn't have thought my proposal would be backed-up at all...)

I am much in favour of a decentralized VCS. I don't know much about
git (I usually use svk), but everybody seems to consider it a very
good VCS so I can only back-up this choice.

> Now we have to choice the format to be used for source files. I'm about to
> write down some thoughts...

I can't think of any ideal choice here, but I think we might start
with defining some of the feature this format should provide. Here are
a few ideas:
* text-based (for the VCS)
* easily produce web pages (for the final document to be viewed online)
* easily produce some kind of "static" document format (like pdf, for
the final document to be easily downloaded and viewed locally on the
user's system)

Maybe Miriam has other types of constraints?


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