Bug#753944: Bug#770648: hiredis: FTBFS: Test failure

Thorsten Glaser tg at mirbsd.de
Sun Nov 30 22:23:13 UTC 2014

gregor herrmann dixit:

>That fact that pbuilder copies /etc/resolv.conf into the chroot each
>time also does not help :/

Ouch. How about if USENETWORK=no then CHROOT/etc/resolv.conf is
created with values sane for that? Can you do the NMU?

>> A simple and stupid solution would be to turn off DNS name lookups completely
>> inside the build environment if USENETWORK=no (e.g. by fiddling with
>> /etc/nsswitch.conf), but I'm not sure if that's really applicable to pbuilder.
>Hm, don't know :)

Good question. Maybe it should *also* generate a sane
nsswitch.conf because the one from the host system is
not normally applicable (but idk if it copies that as
well). But IMHO it definitely should not blindly copy

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          a peeing section in a swimming pool.”
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