[PET-devel] New PET page for the games team :D

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net
Mon Sep 1 07:22:40 UTC 2008

On 30/08/08 at 17:43 +0200, Gonéri Le Bouder wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 02:00:06PM +0200, gregor herrmann wrote:
> > On Sat, 30 Aug 2008 07:28:45 -0300, Martín Ferrari wrote:
> Hi folks,
> > > There's also the awesome proposal of integrating PET with qa.d.o,
> > > which Christoph Berg and Paul Wise talked me about. At first I saw
> > > this as an impossible task because of the repository-centric nature of
> > > PET. But after some thought, I think that we could work that out. Of
> > > course, I'll need to see how qa.d.o works :)
> > 
> > And this is where UDD can come it: use the database as a general
> > storage mechanism (i.e. also for repository data) which all web
> > front-ends can query.
> I'm a big fan of UDD but I don't think it's suitable for
> buildstat.debian.net yet. I use a database schema designed for a specific need
> with some optimisations related to the code. IMO, if I switch to UDD
> today, I'll lost a lot of time for something less efficiant. I prefere
> to keep the current DB and add scripts to synchronise the important
> information with UDD.

I think that you are both missing the point.

PET and buildstat are competitors, because they both try to:
- run tests
- display information in an useful way

As a result, it's likely that none of them will succeed, and that we
will have to live with several tools doing basically the same thing for
years, like lintian and linda.

DDPO might not be perfect, but at least it does things right by not
running tests itself.

Both problems should be seperated. Tests results should be exported in a
machine-parseable format, so a separate tool can use your test results
to display the information.

UDD isn't the ultimate solution, but it at least forces a clean

 Test1    Test2    Test3   Test4
   \           \   /       /
    `---------\ \ / /-----'
               U D D  
	       |  | \
               |  |   DDPO-like web interface
               |  ` DDPO-by-mail
	       ` other scripts
| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: lucas at nussbaum.fr             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |
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