[PET-devel] New PET page for the games team :D

Gonéri Le Bouder goneri at rulezlan.org
Mon Sep 1 08:20:48 UTC 2008

On Mon, Sep 01, 2008 at 09:22:40AM +0200, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> On 30/08/08 at 17:43 +0200, Gonéri Le Bouder wrote:
> > On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 02:00:06PM +0200, gregor herrmann wrote:
> > > On Sat, 30 Aug 2008 07:28:45 -0300, Martín Ferrari wrote:

> I think that you are both missing the point.
> PET and buildstat are competitors, because they both try to:
> - run tests
> - display information in an useful way
> As a result, it's likely that none of them will succeed, and that we
> will have to live with several tools doing basically the same thing for
> years, like lintian and linda.
We are both willing to merge our tools. buildstat works today and is
already able to accept QA resultat from a standardized format. I think
a meeting is absolutly needed here with the three parties.
IMO Buildstat is a DB + an interface to collect QA check results from 3th
parties tools.
Creating such schema wasn't that easy, I had to recreate it from scratch
two times yet.

> UDD isn't the ultimate solution, but it at least forces a clean
> workflow:
For me, the best solution to get a working solution quickly is to act
like that. It's not what most of you want. I guess you wish to see
buildstat out of the scheam, but it works fine.
>  Test1    Test2    Test3   Test4
>    \           \   /       /
>     `---------\ \ / /-----'
        buildstat (input interface)
              buildstat(DB)           <------>           U D D  
> 	       |  |                                       |
>                |      DDPO-like web interface           | 
>                |    ` DDPO-by-mail                      |
                 |     PET interface                      |
                 |    buildstat interface                 |
> 	         |   ` other scripts                      |

Of course, I share the final goal of having a Ultimate Database but
stopping what works fine today is not a good option for me.

If we do a meeting we Buildstat, PET and UDD teams, we will able to
quickly prepare a clean roadmap and, more important, avoid futur wast of


        Gonéri Le Bouder
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