[Pgi-devel] sarge/testing troubles

Lance Levsen lance@catprint.ca
Thu, 08 Jan 2004 12:01:49 -0600

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Hey all,

=46rom the cvs version, I've been porting to GLIBC 2.3, Busybox 60.5 and
using the gtk-1.2 sarge packages. (GTK 2.0 at another time).

After making a few changes (patches to follow when I get the autoconf
scripts changed)

I have a problem in that init=3D/bin/stage0.sh crashes with a segfault in
the installer initrd.installer.fs (from both chroot and cd).

I've tried both dash (default) and rkiss. Because the only two libs
shared by these shells is libc-2.3.2.so and ld-2.3.2.so I'm given to
think that tools/mklibs.bash is the culprit and probably the differences
in the GLIBC versions are causing that.

First, has anyone else seen behaviour similar to this? And anyone have
an idea how I might fix this?


Lance Levsen, Catprint Computing
Linux Systems and programming
Ph:(306)477-3166 Fx:(306)477-3166

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