[Pgi-devel] sarge/testing troubles

Andrea Glorioso andrea.glorioso@agnula.org
Thu, 08 Jan 2004 20:04:06 +0100


>>>>> "ll" == Lance Levsen <lance@catprint.ca> writes:

    ll> [1 <text/plain (quoted-printable)>] Hey all,

    ll> From the cvs version, I've been porting to GLIBC 2.3, Busybox
    ll> 60.5 and using the gtk-1.2 sarge packages. (GTK 2.0 at another
    ll> time).

I've been trying too.

    ll> After making a few changes (patches to follow when I get the
    ll> autoconf scripts changed)

    ll> I have a problem in that init=/bin/stage0.sh crashes with a
    ll> segfault in the installer initrd.installer.fs (from both
    ll> chroot and cd).

    ll> I've tried both dash (default) and rkiss. Because the only two
    ll> libs shared by these shells is libc-2.3.2.so and ld-2.3.2.so
    ll> I'm given to think that tools/mklibs.bash is the culprit and
    ll> probably the differences in the GLIBC versions are causing
    ll> that.

This is the same hyphotesis I formulated:

[ #179 ] PGI - mklibs.bash seems to bork library simbols

But I haven't got time yet to fix it.

In the meantime I just switched over to ISOLINUX (which allows me to
put more things in the initrd and avoid using mklibs.bash altogether).



    ll> First, has anyone else seen behaviour similar to this? 

Yes, unfortunately. :(

    ll> And anyone have an idea how I might fix this?

Not yet, sorry.  But I'll work on this post Jan 15.


Andrea Glorioso                        andrea.glorioso@agnula.org
AGNULA/DeMuDi Techie                       http://www.agnula.org/
"There's no free expression without control on the tools you use"