[Pkg-ace-devel] NEW ! Hand craft from the Mozambican people to you
baObart, from the Mozambican people to You
baobart at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 20:02:24 UTC 2011
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Birth of BAOBART
Handcraft from the Mozambican People to you
We thought that you might be interested in the
birth of our initiative, BAOBART. We are trying and promote talented handcrafters of Mozambique,
somewhat where Aid to Artisans left of when closing their Mozambique office
some years ago.
Mabanda, filimone, boaventura and all the artisans that have
joined BAOBARTare quite used to exporting their craft and have participated in
some of the major fairsaround the Globe. We found it quite sad that they no
longer have access to these markets and this is how the BAOBART initiative was
We just
started, but already propose exquisite hand crafted items. Some of them are
pictured below, but most of them are available on our small website/blog.
Please visit us by clicking hereand pop us an email, we are giving away some free samples! You may also want to take a look at our catalogs [1] hereand [2] here !
We would be happy to respond to any of your
inquiries and please contact us, even if it’s just to send a support message.
Positive energy is always very welcome when a venture is started.
Thanks very much, kanimambo !
We feature craft work from Batik artisans (samples follow):
We also feature a whole range of wooden deco items :
PS :we have included you in our mailing list but
you are free to unsubscribe at any time, simply following the link on the
top of this message. We do not want you to feel like we are intruding and
hope you understand our initiative, using the latest available online tools,
since this is the only way we have to reach the craft fans around the Globe.
Hope we will keep on counting you on our newsletter readers and supporters.
Muito obrigado ;-)
1. https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B_ki-xnD5D-aNTExZmY3NTItZjNjNi00N2RlLTkzODQtY2E0YzFlMTg1Y2Rl&hl=en
2. http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B_ki-xnD5D-aNjFjMzk0MTUtNDQwMi00YjVkLWI3YjYtMmRmYTE4ZWI5OWFi&hl=en
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Rua de Kongwa, 64 - Maputo - MOZAMBIQUE
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