[Pkg-anonymity-tools] Please put obfs4proxy in wheezy-backports

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Tue Feb 3 19:45:36 UTC 2015


On Dienstag, 3. Februar 2015, Lunar wrote:
> It's already super easy to install on every i386 and amd64 Debian and
> Ubuntu that are currently supported:

very nice!
>     echo 'deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org obfs4proxy main' \
>         >> /etc/apt/sources.list
>     apt-get update
>     apt-get install obfs4proxy

but these instructions lack info how to add the repository key, and "apt-cache 
search archive keyring" doesn't contain it:

$ apt-cache search archive keyring
debian-archive-keyring - GnuPG archive keys of the Debian archive
debian-edu-archive-keyring - GnuPG archive keys of the Debian Edu archive
debian-ports-archive-keyring - GnuPG archive keys of the debian-ports archive
devscripts - scripts to make the life of a Debian Package maintainer easier
emdebian-archive-keyring - GnuPG archive keys for the emdebian repository
pkg-mozilla-archive-keyring - GnuPG archive keys for the Debian Mozilla team 
package repository
ubuntu-archive-keyring - GnuPG keys of the Ubuntu archive

maybe it's time for a torproject-archive-keyring package? Also because usually 
new tor packages can be found there first. (thus cc:ing weasel for input for 
the idea.)

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