[Pkg-backup-mngr-commits] r67 - trunk/doc

sukria at alioth.debian.org sukria at alioth.debian.org
Wed May 30 13:37:28 UTC 2007

Author: sukria
Date: 2007-05-30 13:37:27 +0000 (Wed, 30 May 2007)
New Revision: 67


Deleted: trunk/doc/user-guide.aux
--- trunk/doc/user-guide.aux	2007-05-30 12:53:39 UTC (rev 66)
+++ trunk/doc/user-guide.aux	2007-05-30 13:37:27 UTC (rev 67)
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
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-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {1}About this manual}{1}{chapter.1}}
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-\newlabel{ch-about}{{1}{1}{About this manual\relax }{chapter.1}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.1}Scope}{1}{section.1.1}}
-\newlabel{s-about-scope}{{1.1}{1}{Scope\relax }{section.1.1}{}}
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-\newlabel{s-about-version}{{1.2}{1}{Version\relax }{section.1.2}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.3}Authors}{1}{section.1.3}}
-\newlabel{s-about-authors}{{1.3}{1}{Authors\relax }{section.1.3}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {2}Configuration files}{3}{chapter.2}}
-\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
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-\newlabel{ch-configuration}{{2}{3}{Configuration files\relax }{chapter.2}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.1}Repository and Archives}{3}{section.2.1}}
-\newlabel{s-design}{{2.1}{3}{Repository and Archives\relax }{section.2.1}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.1.1}The Repository}{3}{subsection.2.1.1}}
-\newlabel{s-archive-repo}{{2.1.1}{3}{The Repository\relax }{subsection.2.1.1}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_REPOSITORY\_ROOT}}{3}{section*.3}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_REPOSITORY_ROOT}{{2.1.1}{3}{\texttt {BM\_REPOSITORY\_ROOT}\relax }{section*.3}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_REPOSITORY\_SECURE}}{3}{section*.4}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_REPOSITORY_SECURE}{{2.1.1}{3}{\texttt {BM\_REPOSITORY\_SECURE}\relax }{section*.4}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.1.2}Archives}{4}{subsection.2.1.2}}
-\newlabel{s-archives}{{2.1.2}{4}{Archives\relax }{subsection.2.1.2}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_ARCHIVE\_PURGEDUPS}}{4}{section*.5}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_ARCHIVE_PURGEDUPS}{{2.1.2}{4}{\texttt {BM\_ARCHIVE\_PURGEDUPS}\relax }{section*.5}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_ARCHIVE\_TTL}}{4}{section*.6}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_ARCHIVE_TTL}{{2.1.2}{4}{\texttt {BM\_ARCHIVE\_TTL}\relax }{section*.6}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_REPOSITORY\_RECURSIVEPURGE}}{5}{section*.7}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_REPOSITORY_RECURSIVEPURGE}{{2.1.2}{5}{\texttt {BM\_REPOSITORY\_RECURSIVEPURGE}\relax }{section*.7}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_ARCHIVE\_PREFIX}}{5}{section*.8}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_ARCHIVE_PREFIX}{{2.1.2}{5}{\texttt {BM\_ARCHIVE\_PREFIX}\relax }{section*.8}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.2}Backup Methods}{6}{section.2.2}}
-\newlabel{s-methods}{{2.2}{6}{Backup Methods\relax }{section.2.2}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.2.1}Tarballs}{6}{subsection.2.2.1}}
-\newlabel{s-tarball}{{2.2.1}{6}{Tarballs\relax }{subsection.2.2.1}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{6}{section*.9}}
-\newlabel{s-tarball-desc}{{2.2.1}{6}{Description\relax }{section*.9}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_TARBALL\_NAMEFORMAT}}{7}{section*.10}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_TARBALL_NAMEFORMAT}{{2.2.1}{7}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALL\_NAMEFORMAT}\relax }{section*.10}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_TARBALL\_FILETYPE}}{7}{section*.11}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_TARBALL_FILETYPE}{{2.2.1}{7}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALL\_FILETYPE}\relax }{section*.11}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_TARBALL\_SLICESIZE}}{7}{section*.12}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_TARBALL_SLICESIZE}{{2.2.1}{7}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALL\_SLICESIZE}\relax }{section*.12}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_TARBALL\_EXTRA\_OPTIONS}}{8}{section*.13}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_TARBALL_EXTRA_OPTIONS}{{2.2.1}{8}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALL\_EXTRA\_OPTIONS}\relax }{section*.13}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_TARBALL\_DUMPSYMLINKS}}{8}{section*.14}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_TARBALL_DUMPSYMLINKS}{{2.2.1}{8}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALL\_DUMPSYMLINKS}\relax }{section*.14}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_TARBALL\_DIRECTORIES}}{8}{section*.15}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_TARBALL_DIRECTORIES}{{2.2.1}{8}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALL\_DIRECTORIES}\relax }{section*.15}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_TARBALL\_TARGETS}}{8}{section*.16}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_TARBALL_TARGETS}{{2.2.1}{8}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALL\_TARGETS}\relax }{section*.16}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_TARBALL\_BLACKLIST}}{9}{section*.17}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_TARBALL_BLACKLIST}{{2.2.1}{9}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALL\_BLACKLIST}\relax }{section*.17}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_TARBALL\_OVER\_SSH}}{9}{section*.18}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_TARBALL_OVER_SSH}{{2.2.1}{9}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALL\_OVER\_SSH}\relax }{section*.18}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.2.2}Incremental tarballs}{10}{subsection.2.2.2}}
-\newlabel{s-tarballinc}{{2.2.2}{10}{Incremental tarballs\relax }{subsection.2.2.2}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{10}{section*.19}}
-\newlabel{s-tarballinc-desc}{{2.2.2}{10}{Description\relax }{section*.19}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_TARBALLINC\_MASTERDATETYPE}}{11}{section*.20}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_TARBALLINC_MASTERDATETYPE}{{2.2.2}{11}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALLINC\_MASTERDATETYPE}\relax }{section*.20}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_TARBALLINC\_MASTERDATEVALUE}}{11}{section*.21}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_TARBALLINC_MASTERDATEVALUE}{{2.2.2}{11}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALLINC\_MASTERDATEVALUE}\relax }{section*.21}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.2.3}MySQL databases}{11}{subsection.2.2.3}}
-\newlabel{s-mysql}{{2.2.3}{11}{MySQL databases\relax }{subsection.2.2.3}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{11}{section*.22}}
-\newlabel{s-mysql-desc}{{2.2.3}{11}{Description\relax }{section*.22}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_MYSQL\_DATABASES}}{11}{section*.23}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_MYSQL_DATABASES}{{2.2.3}{11}{\texttt {BM\_MYSQL\_DATABASES}\relax }{section*.23}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_MYSQL\_SAFEDUMPS}}{12}{section*.24}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_MYSQL_SAFEDUMPS}{{2.2.3}{12}{\texttt {BM\_MYSQL\_SAFEDUMPS}\relax }{section*.24}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_MYSQL\_ADMINLOGIN}}{12}{section*.25}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_MYSQL_ADMINLOGIN}{{2.2.3}{12}{\texttt {BM\_MYSQL\_ADMINLOGIN}\relax }{section*.25}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_MYSQL\_HOST}}{12}{section*.26}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_MYSQL_HOST}{{2.2.3}{12}{\texttt {BM\_MYSQL\_HOST}\relax }{section*.26}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_MYSQL\_PORT}}{12}{section*.27}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_MYSQL_PORT}{{2.2.3}{12}{\texttt {BM\_MYSQL\_PORT}\relax }{section*.27}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_MYSQL\_FILETYPE}}{13}{section*.28}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_MYSQL_FILETYPE}{{2.2.3}{13}{\texttt {BM\_MYSQL\_FILETYPE}\relax }{section*.28}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.2.4}Subversion repositories}{13}{subsection.2.2.4}}
-\newlabel{s-svn}{{2.2.4}{13}{Subversion repositories\relax }{subsection.2.2.4}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{13}{section*.29}}
-\newlabel{s-svn-desc}{{2.2.4}{13}{Description\relax }{section*.29}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_SVN\_REPOSITORIES}}{13}{section*.30}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_SVN_REPOSITORIES}{{2.2.4}{13}{\texttt {BM\_SVN\_REPOSITORIES}\relax }{section*.30}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_SVN\_COMPRESSWITH}}{13}{section*.31}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_SVN_COMPRESSWITH}{{2.2.4}{13}{\texttt {BM\_SVN\_COMPRESSWITH}\relax }{section*.31}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.2.5}Generic methods}{14}{subsection.2.2.5}}
-\newlabel{s-pipe}{{2.2.5}{14}{Generic methods\relax }{subsection.2.2.5}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{14}{section*.32}}
-\newlabel{s-pipe-desc}{{2.2.5}{14}{Description\relax }{section*.32}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Example}{14}{section*.33}}
-\newlabel{s-pipe-example}{{2.2.5}{14}{Example\relax }{section*.33}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.3}Upload Methods}{15}{section.2.3}}
-\newlabel{s-uploads}{{2.3}{15}{Upload Methods\relax }{section.2.3}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3.1}Description}{15}{subsection.2.3.1}}
-\newlabel{s-uploads-desc}{{2.3.1}{15}{Description\relax }{subsection.2.3.1}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3.2}Global configuration keys}{15}{subsection.2.3.2}}
-\newlabel{s-uploads-global}{{2.3.2}{15}{Global configuration keys\relax }{subsection.2.3.2}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_HOSTS}}{15}{section*.34}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_HOSTS}{{2.3.2}{15}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_HOSTS}\relax }{section*.34}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_DESTINATION}}{15}{section*.35}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_DESTINATION}{{2.3.2}{15}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_DESTINATION}\relax }{section*.35}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3.3}SSH uploads}{16}{subsection.2.3.3}}
-\newlabel{s-upload-ssh}{{2.3.3}{16}{SSH uploads\relax }{subsection.2.3.3}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{16}{section*.36}}
-\newlabel{s-uploads-ssh-desc}{{2.3.3}{16}{Description\relax }{section*.36}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_USER}}{16}{section*.37}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_SSH_USER}{{2.3.3}{16}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_USER}\relax }{section*.37}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_KEY}}{16}{section*.38}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_SSH_KEY}{{2.3.3}{16}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_KEY}\relax }{section*.38}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_PORT}}{17}{section*.39}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_SSH_PORT}{{2.3.3}{17}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_PORT}\relax }{section*.39}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_HOSTS}}{17}{section*.40}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_SSH_HOSTS}{{2.3.3}{17}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_HOSTS}\relax }{section*.40}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_PURGE}}{17}{section*.41}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_SSH_PURGE}{{2.3.3}{17}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_PURGE}\relax }{section*.41}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_DESTINATION}}{17}{section*.42}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_SSH_DESTINATION}{{2.3.3}{17}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_DESTINATION}\relax }{section*.42}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3.4}Encrypted SSH uploads}{18}{subsection.2.3.4}}
-\newlabel{s-upload-ssh-gpg}{{2.3.4}{18}{Encrypted SSH uploads\relax }{subsection.2.3.4}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{18}{section*.43}}
-\newlabel{s-upload-ssh-gpg-desc}{{2.3.4}{18}{Description\relax }{section*.43}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_GPG\_RECIPIENT}}{18}{section*.44}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_SSH_GPG_RECIPIENT}{{2.3.4}{18}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_GPG\_RECIPIENT}\relax }{section*.44}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3.5}FTP uploads}{18}{subsection.2.3.5}}
-\newlabel{s-upload-ftp}{{2.3.5}{18}{FTP uploads\relax }{subsection.2.3.5}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{18}{section*.45}}
-\newlabel{s-uploads-ftp-desc}{{2.3.5}{18}{Description\relax }{section*.45}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_SECURE}}{18}{section*.46}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_FTP_SECURE}{{2.3.5}{18}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_SECURE}\relax }{section*.46}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_PASSIVE}}{19}{section*.47}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_FTP_PASSIVE}{{2.3.5}{19}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_PASSIVE}\relax }{section*.47}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_TTL}}{19}{section*.48}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_FTP_TTL}{{2.3.5}{19}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_TTL}\relax }{section*.48}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_USER}}{19}{section*.49}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_FTP_USER}{{2.3.5}{19}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_USER}\relax }{section*.49}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_PASSWORD}}{20}{section*.50}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_FTP_PASSWORD}{{2.3.5}{20}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_PASSWORD}\relax }{section*.50}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_HOSTS}}{20}{section*.51}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_FTP_HOSTS}{{2.3.5}{20}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_HOSTS}\relax }{section*.51}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_DESTINATION}}{20}{section*.52}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_FTP_DESTINATION}{{2.3.5}{20}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_DESTINATION}\relax }{section*.52}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_PURGE}}{20}{section*.53}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_FTP_PURGE}{{2.3.5}{20}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_PURGE}\relax }{section*.53}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3.6}Amazon S3 uploads}{21}{subsection.2.3.6}}
-\newlabel{s-upload-s3}{{2.3.6}{21}{Amazon S3 uploads\relax }{subsection.2.3.6}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{21}{section*.54}}
-\newlabel{s-uploads-s3-desc}{{2.3.6}{21}{Description\relax }{section*.54}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_S3\_DESTINATION}}{21}{section*.55}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_S3_DESTINATION}{{2.3.6}{21}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_S3\_DESTINATION}\relax }{section*.55}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_S3\_ACCESS\_KEY}}{21}{section*.56}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_S3_ACCESS_KEY}{{2.3.6}{21}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_S3\_ACCESS\_KEY}\relax }{section*.56}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_S3\_SECRET\_KEY}}{22}{section*.57}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_S3_SECRET_KEY}{{2.3.6}{22}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_S3\_SECRET\_KEY}\relax }{section*.57}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_S3\_PURGE}}{22}{section*.58}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_S3_PURGE}{{2.3.6}{22}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_S3\_PURGE}\relax }{section*.58}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3.7}RSYNC uploads}{22}{subsection.2.3.7}}
-\newlabel{s-upload-rsync}{{2.3.7}{22}{RSYNC uploads\relax }{subsection.2.3.7}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{22}{section*.59}}
-\newlabel{s-upload-rsync-desc}{{2.3.7}{22}{Description\relax }{section*.59}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_RSYNC\_DIRECTORIES}}{22}{section*.60}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_RSYNC_DIRECTORIES}{{2.3.7}{22}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_RSYNC\_DIRECTORIES}\relax }{section*.60}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_RSYNC\_HOSTS}}{23}{section*.61}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_RSYNC_HOSTS}{{2.3.7}{23}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_RSYNC\_HOSTS}\relax }{section*.61}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_RSYNC\_DESTINATION}}{23}{section*.62}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_RSYNC_DESTINATION}{{2.3.7}{23}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_RSYNC\_DESTINATION}\relax }{section*.62}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_UPLOAD\_RSYNC\_DUMPSYMLINKS}}{23}{section*.63}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_UPLOAD_RSYNC_DUMPSYMLINKS}{{2.3.7}{23}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_RSYNC\_DUMPSYMLINKS}\relax }{section*.63}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.4}Exports}{23}{section.2.4}}
-\newlabel{s-exports}{{2.4}{23}{Exports\relax }{section.2.4}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.4.1}Burning CDR/DVD media}{23}{subsection.2.4.1}}
-\newlabel{s-exports-burning}{{2.4.1}{23}{Burning CDR/DVD media\relax }{subsection.2.4.1}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_BURNING\_METHOD}}{24}{section*.64}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_BURNING_METHOD}{{2.4.1}{24}{\texttt {BM\_BURNING\_METHOD}\relax }{section*.64}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_BURNING\_DEVICE}}{24}{section*.65}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_BURNING_DEVICE}{{2.4.1}{24}{\texttt {BM\_BURNING\_DEVICE}\relax }{section*.65}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_BURNING\_DEVFORCED}}{25}{section*.66}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_BURNING_DEVFORCED}{{2.4.1}{25}{\texttt {BM\_BURNING\_DEVFORCED}\relax }{section*.66}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_BURNING\_ISO\_FLAGS}}{25}{section*.67}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_BURNING_ISO_FLAGS}{{2.4.1}{25}{\texttt {BM\_BURNING\_ISO\_FLAGS}\relax }{section*.67}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_BURNING\_MAXSIZE}}{25}{section*.68}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_BURNING_MAXSIZE}{{2.4.1}{25}{\texttt {BM\_BURNING\_MAXSIZE}\relax }{section*.68}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_BURNING\_CHKMD5}}{26}{section*.69}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_BURNING_CHKMD5}{{2.4.1}{26}{\texttt {BM\_BURNING\_CHKMD5}\relax }{section*.69}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.5}Advanced features}{26}{section.2.5}}
-\newlabel{s-advanced}{{2.5}{26}{Advanced features\relax }{section.2.5}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.5.1}Logging to syslog}{26}{subsection.2.5.1}}
-\newlabel{s-advanced-logger}{{2.5.1}{26}{Logging to syslog\relax }{subsection.2.5.1}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_LOGGER}}{26}{section*.70}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_LOGGER}{{2.5.1}{26}{\texttt {BM\_LOGGER}\relax }{section*.70}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_LOGGER\_FACILITY}}{27}{section*.71}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_LOGGER_FACILITY}{{2.5.1}{27}{\texttt {BM\_LOGGER\_FACILITY}\relax }{section*.71}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.5.2}Writing external hooks}{27}{subsection.2.5.2}}
-\newlabel{s-advanced-externals}{{2.5.2}{27}{Writing external hooks\relax }{subsection.2.5.2}{}}
-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt  {BM\_PRE\_BACKUP\_COMMAND}}{27}{section*.72}}
-\newlabel{s-BM_PRE_BACKUP_COMMAND}{{2.5.2}{27}{\texttt {BM\_PRE\_BACKUP\_COMMAND}\relax }{section*.72}{}}
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-\newlabel{s-md5check}{{3.1.2}{31}{\texttt {---md5check} or \texttt {-m}\relax }{section*.81}{}}
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-\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.2}CRON integration}{32}{section.3.2}}
-\newlabel{s-cron}{{3.2}{32}{CRON integration\relax }{section.3.2}{}}

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-                                                   [1
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-              {About this manual} [2]
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-l.171 \chapter
-              {Configuration files} [2]
-Chapter 2.
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-] [4] [5] [6]
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-[]\T1/pcr/m/n/10.95 long\T1/ppl/m/n/10.95 : the name will be made with the ab-s
-o-lute path of the di-rec-tory (eg:
- []
-[7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
-Overfull \hbox (26.00131pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 923--923
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- []
-Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 939--941
-[]\T1/ppl/m/n/10.95 You can also de-fine a des-ti-na-tion ded-i-cated to your h
- []
-[15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
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-\T1/ppl/m/n/10.95 Amazon's new Sim-ple Stor-age Ser-vice (S3) is an In-ter-net 
-``web ser-vice'' that per-mits
- []
-[20] [21]
-Overfull \hbox (39.1413pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1336--1336
-[]   \T1/pcr/m/n/10.95 export BM_UPLOAD_RSYNC_DIRECTORIES="/data/photos /data/v
-ideos /data/mp3"[] 
- []
-Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 1358--1360
-[]\T1/ppl/m/n/10.95 Put here the des-ti-na-tion for RSYNC-only up-loads, this k
-ey over-rides
- []
-[23] [24] [25] [26]
-Overfull \hbox (150.83116pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1619--1619
-[]   \T1/pcr/m/n/10.95 export BM_PRE_BACKUP_COMMAND="mount -t nfs mirror.lan.ne
-t:/exports/backups /var/archives"[] 
- []
-Overfull \hbox (26.00131pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1625--1625
-[]   \T1/pcr/m/n/10.95 export BM_PRE_BACKUP_COMMAND="/usr/local/bin/backup-prep
-are.pl $TODAY"[] 
- []
-Overfull \hbox (32.5713pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1647--1647
-[]   \T1/pcr/m/n/10.95 export BM_POST_BACKUP_COMMAND="/usr/local/bin/backup-cle
-anup.pl $TODAY"[] 
- []
-Chapter 3.
-Overfull \hbox (32.5713pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1731--1731
-[]   \T1/pcr/m/n/10.95 Getting lock for backup-manager 10605 with /etc/backup-m
-anager.conf: ok[] 
- []
-Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 1747--1749
-\T1/ppl/m/n/10.95 Backup Man-ager re-lies on con-fig-u-ra-tion files, by de-fau
-lt, the file
- []
-Underfull \hbox (badness 1158) in paragraph at lines 1747--1749
-\T1/pcr/m/n/10.95 /etc/backup-manager.conf \T1/ppl/m/n/10.95 is used but you ca
-n choose to run it with a dif-fer-ent
- []
-[30] [31] [32] [33] (./user-guide.aux) ) 
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-\BOOKMARK [0][-]{chapter.1}{About this manual}{}
-\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.1.1}{Scope}{chapter.1}
-\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.1.2}{Version}{chapter.1}
-\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.1.3}{Authors}{chapter.1}
-\BOOKMARK [0][-]{chapter.2}{Configuration files}{}
-\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.2.1}{Repository and Archives}{chapter.2}
-\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.1.1}{The Repository}{section.2.1}
-\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.1.2}{Archives}{section.2.1}
-\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.2.2}{Backup Methods}{chapter.2}
-\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.2.1}{Tarballs}{section.2.2}
-\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.2.2}{Incremental tarballs}{section.2.2}
-\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.2.3}{MySQL databases}{section.2.2}
-\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.2.4}{Subversion repositories}{section.2.2}
-\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.2.5}{Generic methods}{section.2.2}
-\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.2.3}{Upload Methods}{chapter.2}
-\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.3.1}{Description}{section.2.3}
-\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.3.2}{Global configuration keys}{section.2.3}
-\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.3.3}{SSH uploads}{section.2.3}
-\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.3.4}{Encrypted SSH uploads}{section.2.3}
-\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.3.5}{FTP uploads}{section.2.3}
-\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.3.6}{Amazon S3 uploads}{section.2.3}
-\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.3.7}{RSYNC uploads}{section.2.3}
-\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.2.4}{Exports}{chapter.2}
-\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.4.1}{Burning CDR/DVD media}{section.2.4}
-\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.2.5}{Advanced features}{chapter.2}
-\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.5.1}{Logging to syslog}{section.2.5}
-\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.2.5.2}{Writing external hooks}{section.2.5}
-\BOOKMARK [0][-]{chapter.3}{Using Backup Manager}{}
-\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.3.1}{Command line}{chapter.3}
-\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.3.1.1}{Restrictions}{section.3.1}
-\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.3.1.2}{Options}{section.3.1}
-\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.3.2}{CRON integration}{chapter.3}

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-\markboth{\chaptername\ \thechapter.\ #1}{}}
-\newcommand\email{\begingroup \urlstyle{tt}\Url}
-0.5\baselineskip plus0.1\baselineskip minus0.1\baselineskip}
-{\Huge Backup Manager 0.7.5 User Guide} \\[2ex]
-{\large Alexis Sukrieh } \\
-1.6 - 08 Sept, 2006 \\
-\section*{Copyright Notice}
-copyright \textcopyright{} 2005 Alexis Sukrieh
-This user guide is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
-later version.
-This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-\textit{without any warranty}; without even the implied warranty of
-was merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
-General Public License for more details.
-A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World Wide
-Web at the GNU web site (\url{http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html}).  You can also obtain 
-it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,
-Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-\chapter{About this manual}
-Backup Manager is a system tool designed to handle backups. It is written with
-simplicity in mind.
-If you want to handle a couple of tarballs, reading the
-default configuration file might be enough to understand the main design.
-On the other hand, if you want to know more about the global design of the
-program, how to write your own backup methods or even look at some real life
-examples, this guide is for you.
-This document describes the main design of the software and gives information
-about supported configuration keys. All backup methods are described, with
-a sample configuration file as illustration. Whenever possible, advices and best
-practices are given.
-This manual also describes every configuration variables supported in the
-version 0.7.5.
-This document is updated whenever a new release of Backup Manager is published.
-The current version covers all features and configuration details about version 0.7.5.
-The first version of this document was written  with the release 0.6 of Backup Manager.
-The first version of this document was made in late 2005, by Alexis Sukrieh and 
-has been reviewed by Sven Joachim.
-While the author of this document has tried hard to avoid typos and other
-errors, these do still occur. If you discover an error in this manual or if you
-want to give any comments, suggestions, or criticisms please send an email to
-the development list, backup-manager-devel at backup-manager.org, or submit a bug
-report against the ``Documentation'' product, in the bug tracking
-\chapter{Configuration files}
-\textit{Backup Manager's behaviour is defined in configuration files. You can run Backup Manager
-with different configuration files (at the same time or not).  This chapter will
-cover all the configuration keys supported in version 0.7.5 and will
-explain their meaning.}
-\section{Repository and Archives}
-Backup Manager stores \textit{archives} it builds in a \textit{repository}.
-\textit{Archives} are built by using a \textit{backup method}.
-\subsection{The Repository}
-\textit{Type: string, default: \texttt{/var/archives}.}
-The repository is the place in your filesystem
-where all archives are stored.
-This is a particular place for Backup Manager, it will be cleaned during backup
-sessions: archives older than the authorized lifetime will be purged.
-If the repository does not exist, it will be created at runtime.
-Isolating the repository on a dedicated partition is a good idea. This can
-prevent the repository from eating all the disk space of the partition.
-With a bad configuration file, backup sessions can lead to huge archives, 
-for many reasons, so take care.
-   export BM\_REPOSITORY\_ROOT="/var/archives"
-\textit{Type: boolean, default: \texttt{true}.}
-For security reasons, the repository can be accessible by a specific
-user/group pair. This will prevent the archives from being readable (and
-writable) by any user in the system. This mode is enabled by default (owned by
-To enable this mode, set the configuration key \texttt{BM\_REPOSITORY\_SECURE}
-to \texttt{yes}, then update \texttt{BM\_REPOSITORY\_USER} and
-\texttt{BM\_REPOSITORY\_GROUP} to your needs.
-You can also change the permission of the repository and the archives, that is
-possible with two configuration variables: \texttt{BM\_REPOSITORY\_CHMOD} and
-   export BM\_REPOSITORY\_SECURE="true"
-   export BM\_REPOSITORY\_USER="root"
-   export BM\_REPOSITORY\_GROUP="root"
-   export BM\_REPOSITORY\_CHMOD="770"
-   export BM\_ARCHIVE\_CHMOD="660"
-\textit{Archives are produced by backup methods, they can be virtually anything, but
-will always be named like the following: \texttt{prefix-name-date.filetype}.  An
-archive is a file that contains data, it can be compressed or not, in a binary
-form or not.}
-\textit{Type: boolean, default: \texttt{true}.}
-If disk usage matters in your backup strategy, you might find useful to use
-Backup Manager's duplicates purging feature. When an archive is generated, Backup Manager
-looks at the previous versions of this archive.  If it finds that a previous
-archive is the same file as the one it has just built, the previous one is
-replaced by a symlink to the new one.  This is useful if you don't want to have
-the same archive twice in the repository.
-   export BM\_ARCHIVE\_PURGEDUPS="true"
-   host-etc.20051115.tar.gz
-   host-etc.20051116.tar.gz -> /var/archives/host-etc.20051117.tar.gz
-   host-etc.20051117.tar.gz
-\textit{Type: integer, default: \texttt{5}.}
-One of the main concepts behind the handling of the repository is to purge
-deprecated archives automatically. The purge session is always performed
-when you launch Backup Manager. During this phase, all archives older than the
-authorized lifetime are dropped.
-Since version 0.7.3, Backup Manager purges only files it has created whereas in previous
-versions, it used to purge also other files within the repository.
-Note that when using the incremental method for building archives, Backup Manager will
-handle differently master backups and incremental ones. The incremental backups
-will be purged like any other archives (when exceeding the authorized lifetime).
-On the ohter hand, deprecated master backups won't be purged unless there is a
-younger master backup in the repository. Then, even with a lifetime set to three
-days, a master backup will live more than three days, until a newer master
-backup is built.
-   export BM\_ARCHIVE\_TTL="5"
-\textit{Type: boolean, default: \texttt{false}.}
-On most setups, all the archives are stored in the top-level directory
-specified by the configuration key \texttt{BM\_REPOSITORY\_ROOT}. But it can make
-sense to have subdirectories, for instance to store archives uploaded from
-other hosts running Backup Manager. In this case, it is possible to ask Backup Manager to
-purge those directories too, by setting \texttt{BM\_REPOSITORY\_RECURSIVEPURGE}
-to \texttt{true}.
-Please note that the \texttt{BM\_ARCHIVE\_TTL} value is global, so if you want to
-have different lifetimes for some archives, this is not the way to go.  In this
-case you should save them outside \texttt{BM\_REPOSITORY\_ROOT} and write a cron
-job to do the purge (possibly calling \texttt{backup-manager ---purge} with an
-alternate configuration file).
-\textit{Type: string, default: \texttt{\$HOSTNAME}.}
-This is the prefix used for naming archives.
-   \# echo \$HOSTNAME
-   ouranos
-   \# ls /var/archives
-   ouranos-20051123.md5 
-   ouranos-usr-local-src.20051123.tar.gz
-   ouranos-etc.20051123.tar.gz
-\section{Backup Methods}
-The core feature of Backup Manager is to make archives, for doing this, a
-\textit{method} is used. Each method can require a set of configuration keys.
-We will describe here every method supported in the version 0.7.5.
-The method you choose must be defined in the configuration key
-\texttt{BM\_ARCHIVE\_METHOD}. You can put here a list of all the different methods 
-you want to use. Take care to put every configuration key needed by all the 
-methods you choose.
-Note that you can also choose none of the proposed methods, if you don't want
-to build archives with this configuration file, then just put \texttt{none}.
-A couple of other configuration keys may be needed depending on the method you
-   export BM\_ARCHIVE\_METHOD="tarball-incremental mysql"
-\textit{Method name: \texttt{tarball}, configuration key prefix: \texttt{BM\_TARBALL}.}
-If all you want to do is to handle a couple of tarballs of your file system, you
-can use this method.  This method takes a list of directories
-and builds the corresponding tarballs.  
-This method is the default one, this is the easiest to use, it just
-builds tarballs as you could do with your own tar script. Its main drawback is
-to eat a lot of disk space: archives can be big from a day to another, even if
-there are no changes in their content. See the \texttt{tarball-incremental}
-method if you want to optimize archives' size.
-When building full backups (when not building incremental ones), Backup Manager will append 
-the keyword ``master'' to the name of the archive. This is very useful when using 
-the \texttt{tarball-incremental} method for seeing where the full backups are quickly.
-A couple of options are available: the name format
-of the archive, the compression type (gzip, zip, bzip2, none) and the
-facility to dereference symlinks when building the tarball.
-This configuration key defines how to perform the naming of the archive. Two
-values are possible:
-\texttt{long}: the name will be made with the absolute path of the directory
-(eg: \texttt{var-log-apache} for \texttt{/var/log/apache}).
-\texttt{short}: the name will just contain the directory (eg:
-\texttt{apache} for \texttt{/var/log/apache}).
-Suggested value: \texttt{long}.
-\textit{Type: enum(tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2, tar.lz, zip, dar), default: \texttt{tar.gz}.}
-Basically, this configuration key defines the filetype of the resulting archive.
-In a way, it defines which compressor to use (zip, gzip, dar or bzip2).
-Here are the supported values: \texttt{tar}, \texttt{tar.gz}, \texttt{tar.bz2},
-\texttt{zip} and \texttt{dar}. 
-Note that depending on the filetype you choose, you will have to
-make sure you have the corresponding compressor installed.
-For the best compression rate, choose \texttt{tar.bz2} or \texttt{tar.lz}.
-Since version 0.7.1, Backup Manager supports \textit{dar} archives. This archiver 
-provides some interesting features like the archive slicing.
-Since version 0.7.5, Backup Manager supports \textit{lzma} archives.
-Make sure to statisfy dependencies according to the filetype you choose:
-tar.bz2 : needs ``bzip2''.
-tar.lz : needs ``lzma''.
-dar : needs ``dar''.
-zip : needs ``zip''.
-\textit{Type: string}
-If you want to make sure your archives won't exceed a given size (for instance 2
-GB) you can use that configuration variable, but only if you are using the
-\texttt{dar} \texttt{BM\_TARBALL\_FILETYPE}. Indeed this feature is only supported
-by dar.
-If you want to limit your archives size to 1 giga byte, use such a statement:
-Refer to the dar manpage for details about slices.
-\textit{Type: string}
-If you want to provide extra options to ``tar'' or ``dar'' you may do so
-here. Leave blank unless you know what you are doing.
-Example: to enable verbosity with tar (which would appeard in the logfiles), use this:
-\textit{Type: boolean, default: \texttt{true}.}
-It is possible, when generating the tarball (or the zip file) to dereference the
-symlinks. If you enable this feature, every symbolic link in the file system
-will be replaced in the archive by the file it points to. Use this feature with
-care, it can quickly lead to huge archives, or even worse: if you have a
-circular symlink somewhere, this will lead to an infinite archive!
-In most of the cases, you should not use this feature.
-\textit{Type: space-separated list, default: \texttt{null}.}
-Since version 0.7.3, this variable is replaced by the array BM\_TARBALL\_TARGETS[],
-it's still supported for backward compatibility though.
-You can use this variable for defining the locations to backup, but you must not
-use this variable if one or more of the paths you want to archive contain a space.
-If you want to backup some targets that have spaces in their name (eg
-``Program Files''), you must not use this variable, but the array 
-BM\_TARBALL\_TARGETS[] instead.
-   export BM\_TARBALL\_DIRECTORIES="/etc /home /var/log/apache"
-\textit{Type: array, default: \texttt{``/etc'', ``/boot''}.}
-This variable holds every place you want to backup. This is the recommanded
-variable to use for defining your backup targets (\texttt{BM\_TARBALL\_DIRECTORIES} is
-deprecated since version 0.7.3).
-You can safely put items that contain spaces (eg: ``Program Files'') whereas you
-can't with \texttt{BM\_TARBALL\_DIRECTORIES}.
-You can also put Bash patterns in BM\_TARBALL\_TARGETS[], it will be expanded at
-runtime to find the resulting targets. For instance :
-BM\_TARBALL\_TARGETS[0]=``/home/*'' will lead to backup every home's sub-directory.
-   BM\_TARBALL\_TARGETS[0]="/etc"
-   BM\_TARBALL\_TARGETS[1]="/home/*"
-   BM\_TARBALL\_TARGETS[2]="/boot"
-   BM\_TARBALL\_TARGETS[3]="/mnt/win/Program Files"
-\textit{Type: space-separated list, default: \texttt{``/proc /dev /sys /tmp''}.}
-It can be very useful to prevent some locations of your filesytem from being
-included in the archives. This is really useful when you use wildcards in
-BM\_TARBALL\_DIRECTORIES. Indeed, you may want to backup every top-level directory
-of your filesystem (\texttt{/*}) but without volatile locations like
-\texttt{/tmp}, \texttt{/dev} and \texttt{/proc}.
-You can also use this variable for excluding every files of a given extension,
-like for instance mp3 or mpg files.
-   export BM\_TARBALL\_BLACKLIST="/tmp /dev /proc *.mp3 *.mpg"
-\textit{Type: boolean, default: \texttt{false}.}
-\textbf{Dependency: \texttt{BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH}}
-If you want to archive some remote locations from a server where Backup Manager is insalled, you can choose to 
-build archives over SSH. This is useful if you don't want to install Backup Manager every where and setup some 
-upload methods from all thoses servers to a central data storage server.
-This way, Backup Manager will build some archives directly over SSH and will store the resulting tarballs locally,
-as if it was built like any other archive. The resulting archive will be prefixed with the remote hostname 
-instead of \texttt{BM\_ARCHIVE\_PREFIX}.
-This feature requires that the following variables are set in the BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH section:
-\texttt{BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_USER}: the user to use for connecting to the remote server. Note
-that this user will run tar remotely, so take care to archive something this user can read!
-\texttt{BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_KEY}: as usal, the path to the private key to use for establishing the connection.
-\texttt{BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_HOSTS}: A list of hosts where to run the tarball builds.
-If you enable this feature, note that the resulting configuration file will have the following restrictions:
-Remote tarball build only works with the \texttt{tarball} method, it will silently behaves the same 
-with \texttt{tarball-incremental}.
-You cannot use the remote build and the local one in the same configuration file. If you want to do both,
-use two configuration files.
-Example: You have three hosts: host01, host02 and host03. You want to set up
-host01 as a data storage server, it has a big /var/archives partition. You want
-to archive ``/etc'', ``/home'' and ``/var/log'' on box02 and box03 and store the archives on
-   [...]
-   export BM\_ARCHIVE\_METHOD="tarball"
-   export BM\_TARBALL\_OVER\_SSH="true"
-   export BM\_TARBALL\_FILETYPE="tar.bz2"
-   export BM\_TARBALL\_DIRECTORIES="/etc /home /var/log"
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_USER="bamuser"
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_KEY="/home/bamuser/.ssh/id\_dsa"
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_HOSTS="box02 box03"
-Of course, for this to work correctly, \texttt{`bamuser'} should be a valid user on box02
-and box03; it must be allowed to connect to them with SSH key autentication and 
-has to be able to read those directories.
-\subsection{Incremental tarballs}
-\textit{Method name: \texttt{tarball-incremental}, configuration key prefix:
-If you want to handle tarballs without wasting disk space, you should use this
-method. The concept of this method is simple: You choose a frequency when a full
-backup is made (exactly like the one made by the tarball mehod). All the days
-between two full backups, archives contain only the files that have changed from
-the previous archive.
-For instance, let's say you want to backup /home with this method. Your /home
-directory is composed by two sub-directories: /home/foo and /home/bar.
-You choose a weekly frequency and say that monday will be the ``fullbackup'' day.
-Obviously, you will have a full tarball of /home on monday. 
-Then, if a file changed inside /home/foo and if /home/bar
-remains unchanged, tuesday's archive will only contain the modified files of
-/home/foo. Using this method will save a lot of disk space.
-To build incremental tarballs, Backup Manager uses tar's switch 
-\texttt{---listed-incremental}. This will create a file for each target which
-will contain some statistics used by tar to figure out if a file should be
-backed up or not.
-When Backup Manager is run for the first time, this file doesn't exist, so the first
-tarballs made are always master backups.
-If the \textit{incremental list} files get removed, the next backups won't be
-Since version 0.7.3, it's possible to see at the first glance if a backup is
-a master or an incremental one: master backup have the keyword \texttt{master}
-appended to the date.
-When purging the repository, the master backups are not removed as the
-incremental ones. Backup Manager always keep a master backup that is older than
-incremental archives.
-This method uses all the tarball's configuration keys and adds two more. One to
-define the kind of frequency, the other to choose on which day the full backups 
-should be done.
-\textit{Type: enum(weekly, monthly), default: \texttt{weekly}.}
-This is the type of frequency you want to use. If you choose \texttt{weekly},
-you'll have to choose a day number between 1 and 7 for the
-BM\_TARBALLINC\_MASTERDATEVALUE configuration key, if you choose \texttt{monthly},
-the day number will be between 1 and 31.
-\textit{Type: integer, default: \texttt{1}.}
-The number of the day when making full backups. Note that its meaning directly
-depends on the \texttt{BM\_TARBALLINC\_MASTERDATETYPE}. 
-For instance, 1 means \textit{``monday''} if you
-choose a weekly frequency, but it means \textit{``the first day of the month''}
-if you choose a monthly frequency.
-\subsection{MySQL databases}
-\textit{Method name: \texttt{mysql}, configuration keys prefix:
-This method provides a way to archive MySQL databases, the archives are made with 
-mysqldump (SQL text files) and can be compressed.
-\textit{Type: space-separated list, default: \texttt{\_\_ALL\_\_}.}
-This is the list of databases you want to archive.
-You can put the keyword \texttt{\_\_ALL\_\_} if you like to backup every database without 
-having to list them.
-   export BM\_MYSQL\_DATABASES="mysql mybase wordpress dotclear phpbb2"
-\textit{Type: boolean, default: \texttt{true}.}
-The best way to produce MySQL dumps is done by using mysqldump's \texttt{---opt} switch. 
-This makes the dump directly usable with mysql (adds the drop table
-statements), locks tables during the dump generation and other cool things (see \texttt{mysqldump}).
-This is recommended for full-clean-safe backups, but needs a 
-privileged user (for the lock permissions).
-   export BM\_MYSQL\_SAFEDUMPS="true"
-\textit{Type: string, default: \texttt{root}.}
-The MySQL login you want to use for connecting to the database. Make sure this login 
-can read all the databases you've set in \texttt{BM\_MYSQL\_DATABASES}.
-   export BM\_MYSQL\_ADMINLOGIN="root"
-\textit{Type: string, default: \texttt{localhost}.}
-The database host where the databases are.
-   export BM\_MYSQL\_HOST="localhost"
-\textit{Type: string, default: \texttt{3306}.}
-The port on \texttt{BM\_MYSQL\_HOST} where the mysql server is listening.
-   export BM\_MYSQL\_PORT="3306"
-\textit{Type: enum(gzip, bzip2), default: \texttt{bzip2}.}
-The archive is made with mysqldump which renders SQL lines; the 
-resulting text file can be compressed.
-If you want to compress the file, choose the compressor you want.
-Leave it blank if you want pure SQL files.
-   export BM\_MYSQL\_FILETYPE="bzip2"
-\subsection{Subversion repositories}
-You can archive Subversion repositories with this method. The archive will be 
-made with \texttt{svnadmin} and will contain XML data (text files).
-Like the mysql method, you can choose to compress it.
-\textit{Type: space-separated list}
-This is the list of absolute paths to the SVN repositories to archive.
-   export BM\_SVN\_REPOSITORIES="/srv/svnroot/repo1 /srv/svnroot/repo2"
-\textit{Type: enum(gzip, bzip2), default: \texttt{bzip2}.}
-If you want to compress the resulting XML files, choose a compressor here.
-Leave this blank if you don't want any compression.
-   export BM\_SVN\_COMPRESSWITH="gzip"
-\subsection{Generic methods}
-Even if most of the common needs are covered by the existing methods, there is always
-a case uncovered. Backup Manager provides a way for backing up anything, and can be used in such 
-This method is called \texttt{pipe}, it is more complex to use but can virtually backup anything.
-The concept is simple, a pipe method is defined by the following items:
-A name (for naming the archive)
-A command (that produces content on stdout)
-A file type (txt, sql, dump, \dots{})
-A compressor (gzip, bzip2)
-Those configuration keys are arrays, so you can implement as many pipe methods
-as you like.
-For each pipe method defined, Backup Manager will launch the command given and redirect 
-the content sent to stdout by this command to a file named with the name of the 
-method and its filetype. Then, if the method uses a compressor, the file will 
-be compressed.
-Example for archiving a remote MySQL database through SSH:
-   BM\_PIPE\_COMMAND[0]="ssh host -c \textbackslash{}"mysqldump -ufoo -pbar base\textbackslash{}"" 
-   BM\_PIPE\_NAME[0]="base" 
-   BM\_PIPE\_FILETYPE[0]="sql"
-   BM\_PIPE\_COMPRESS[0]="gzip"
-Imagine you have a second pipe method to implement, for instance building 
-a tarball trough SSH:
-   BM\_PIPE\_COMMAND[1]="ssh host -c \textbackslash{}"tar -c -z /home/user\textbackslash{}"" 
-   BM\_PIPE\_NAME[1]="host.home.user" 
-   BM\_PIPE\_FILETYPE[1]="tar.gz"
-   BM\_PIPE\_COMPRESS[1]=""
-Note that we have incremented the array's index.
-\section{Upload Methods}
-\textit{One of the most important thing to do when backing up file systems is to store 
-the archives on different places. The more different physical spaces you have, the better. 
-Backup Manager provides a way for achieving this goal : the upload methods.}
-There are different upload methods, each of them behaves differently and provides particular 
-features. In Backup Manager 0.7.5 you can use FTP, SSH, RSYNC or Amazon S3 uploads.
-In the same manner as for backup methods, you can choose to use as many 
-upload methods as you like. If you don't want to use this feature at all, just put
-the keyword \texttt{none} in the configuration \texttt{BM\_UPLOAD\_METHOD}.
-Note that the FTP, SSH and S3 methods are dedicated to upload archives, 
-using those method depends on the use of at least one backup method.
-On the opposite, the RSYNC method uploads a directory to remote locations, 
-this directory can be your repository or whatever other location of your
-file sytem.
-\subsection{Global configuration keys}
-The following configuration keys are global in the upload section:
-\textit{Type: space-separated list}
-Each of the hosts defined in that list is used by all the upload methods
-when establishing connections. For instance if you want to perform SSH uploads of 
-your archives and RSYNC upload of a location to the same host, put it in this list.
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_HOSTS="mirror1.lan.mysite.net mirror2.lan.mysite.net"
-\textit{Type: string}
-This is the absolute path of the directory in the remote hosts where to
-put the files uploaded.
-If you have installed installed Backup Manager on the remote host,
-a good idea is to choose a sub-directory of the repository.
-Then, during the remote host purge phase, your uploads will be 
-cleaned at the same time.
-You can also define a destination dedicated to your host: 
-Let's say you want that all your uploads are performed on the host mirror2.lan.mysite.net,
-in the sub-directory /var/archives/uploads
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_HOSTS="mirror2.lan.mysite.net"
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_DESTINATION="/var/archives/uploads"
-\subsection{SSH uploads}
-\textit{Method name: \texttt{ssh}, goal: upload archives to remote hosts over SSH.
-This method depends on a backup method.}
-If you want to upload your archives on remote locations, you can use the SSH method. 
-This method is good if you like to use a secure tunnel between the two points of 
-the upload.
-The call to \texttt{scp} will be done with the identity of the user \texttt{BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_USER}, 
-thus, you have to make sure this user can have access to the repository (take care to the secure mode).
-\textit{Type: string}
-This is the user to use for performing the ssh connection. Make sure this user can access 
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_USER="bmngr"
-\textit{Type: string}
-This is the path to the private key of the user BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_USER.
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_KEY="/home/bmngr/.ssh/id\_dsa"
-\textit{Type: integer}
-You may want to connect to remote hosts with a specific port. 
-Use this configuration key then.
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_PORT="1352"
-\textit{Type: space-separated list}
-Put here the list of hosts to use for SSH-only uploads.
-Note that if you put some hosts in \texttt{BM\_UPLOAD\_HOSTS}, they will be used as well.
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_HOSTS="mirror3.lan.mysite.net"
-\textit{Type: boolean}
-If you set this boolean to ``true'', the remote archives will be purged before
-the new ones are uploaded.  The purging rules are the same as the ones Backup Manager
-uses for local purging. If \texttt{BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_TTL} is defined, this time to
-live will be used, else \texttt{BM\_ARCHIVE\_TTL} will be used.
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_PURGE="true"
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_TTL="10"
-\textit{Type: string}
-Put here the destination for SSH-only uploads, this key overrides 
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_DESTINATION="/var/archives/scp-uploads"
-\subsection{Encrypted SSH uploads}
-\textit{Method name: \texttt{ssh-gpg}, goal: encrypt arcives using public
-key encryption and upload the result to untrusted remote hosts
-over SSH. This method depends on a backup method.}
-The upload using SSH can also be combined with public key encryption
-provided by \texttt{gpg}. The archives will be encrypted using a
-public key prior to sending them over the network, so on the remote
-server your files are protected from inspection.
-This method can be used to protect your data from inspection on
-untrusted remote servers. However, since the encrypted files are not
-signed, this does not protect you from archive manipulation. So the
-\textit{md5} hases are still needed.
-This method uses all of the configuartion keys of the \textit{ssh} method. One
-additional key is required.
-\textit{Type: string}
-This parameter sets the recipient for which the archive is
-encrypted. A valid specification is a short or long key id, or a
-descriptive name, as explained in the \texttt{gpg} man page. The public key for
-this identity must be in the key ring of the user running \texttt{gpg}, which
-is the same as specified by \texttt{BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_USER}. To test this
-run the command \texttt{gpg ---list-keys ID} as that user, where
-\texttt{ID} is the ID as you give it to this parameter. If \texttt{gpg}
-displays exactly one key, then you are fine. Refer to the \texttt{gpg} man page
-for further details.
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_GPG\_RECIPIENT="email at address.com"
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_GPG\_RECIPIENT="ECE009856"
-\subsection{FTP uploads}
-If security does not matter much on your lan (between the two points of the upload) you can choose to use the 
-FTP method.
-One of the main pros of this method is that it can perform purging independently. You can safely use this method
-for uploading files to a host where you just have an FTP account.
-\textit{Type: boolean, default: false.}
-If this variable is set to true, all FTP transfers will be done over SSL.
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_SECURE="true"
-\textit{Type: boolean, default: true.}
-If this variable is set to true, FTP transfers will be performed in passive mode, 
-which is mandatory in NATed/firewalled environments.
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_PASSIVE="true"
-\textit{Type: integer, default: \$BM\_ARCHIVE\_TTL}
-Using different \textit{time to live} values for local and remote archives can
-be useful in certain situations.  For instance, it's possible to install Backup Manager
-locally, make it build archives, upload them to a remote FTP host and then purge
-them locally (but not on the remote host). Doing this is possible with setting a
-null value to the local TTL (BM\_ARCHIVE\_TTL) and a non-null value to
-   export BM\_ARCHIVE\_TTL="0"
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_TTL="5"
-   export BM\_POST\_BACKUP\_COMMAND="backup-manager --purge"
-\textit{Type: string.}
-Put here the FTP user to use for opening the connections.
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_USER="bmngr"
-\textit{Type: string.}
-Put here the \texttt{BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_USER}'s password to use (in plain text).
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_USER="secret"
-\textit{Type: space-separated list}
-Put here the list of hosts to use for FTP-only uploads.
-Note that if you put some hosts in \texttt{BM\_UPLOAD\_HOSTS}, they will be used as well.
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_HOSTS="mirror4.lan.mysite.net"
-\textit{Type: string}
-Put here the destination for FTP-only uploads, this key overrides 
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_DESTINATION="/var/archives/ftp-uploads"
-\textit{Type: boolean, default: \texttt{true}}
-You can choose to purge deprecated archives before uploading new ones.
-This purge is done over FTP and uses the configuration key \texttt{BM\_ARCHIVE\_TTL} in 
-the same manner as the local purge behaves (the FTP purge is not recursive though).
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_PURGE="true"
-\subsection{Amazon S3 uploads}
-Amazon's new Simple Storage Service (S3) is an Internet ``web service''
-that permits you to store unlimited blocks of data on their replicated
-and managed systems. See http://aws.amazon.com for more
-information. Registration is free and the rates are quite reasonable.
-Using the S3 upload method will permit your archives to be stored on
-Amazon's S3 service. You must allocate a ``bucket'' to the exclusive use
-of Backup Manager. Each of your created archives will be uploaded to
-S3 and stored within this bucket in a key name that matches the name
-of the archive.
-As with the other backup methods Backup Manager does not assist you in
-restoring files from archives. You must retrieve archives from S3
-using other mechanisms such as the S3Shell provided as an examle
-command line utility by Amazon.
-Note that when using this upload method, the \texttt{BM\_UPLOAD\_HOSTS} variable is 
-ignored as the only valid host for S3 uploads in \texttt{s3.amazon.com}.
-\textit{Type: string.}
-This option is required for the S3 upload method. This specifies the
-bucket used to store backup data. If the bucket does not exist it will
-be created as a private bucket. This key overrides
-\texttt{BM\_UPLOAD\_DESTINATION}. Note that Amazon requires that bucket
-names be globally unique. Be creative picking one.
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_S3\_DESTINATION="my\_backup\_bucket"
-\textit{Type: string.}
-This option is required for the S3 upload method. After you have
-registered Amazon will provide you an access key. You must use this
-key to access your storage on S3.
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_S3\_ACCESS\_KEY="a9sabkz0342dasv"
-\textit{Type: string.}
-This option is required for the S3 upload method. After you have
-registered Amazon will provide you a secret key. You must use this
-key to write to your storage on S3.
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_S3\_SECRET\_KEY="lkj2341askj123sa"
-\textit{Type: boolean, default: \texttt{true}}
-You can choose to purge deprecated archives before uploading new ones.
-This purge is done over S3 and uses the configuration key \texttt{BM\_ARCHIVE\_TTL} in 
-the same manner as the local purge behaves (the S3 purge is not recursive though).
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_S3\_PURGE="true"
-\subsection{RSYNC uploads}
-You may want to upload some parts of your file system to some remote hosts. 
-In these cases, archives are not needed, you just want to synchronize some 
-directories to remote places. This is where the RSYNC upload method is useful.
-RSYNC uploads need a SSH user/key pair to behave correctly, thus there is a 
-dependency against the keys \texttt{BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_USER} and \texttt{BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_KEY}.
-\textit{Type: space-separated list}
-Put here the list of local directories you want to upload with rsync.
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_RSYNC\_DIRECTORIES="/data/photos /data/videos /data/mp3"
-\textit{Type: space-separated list}
-Put here the list of hosts to use for RSYNC-only uploads.
-Note that if you put some hosts in \texttt{BM\_UPLOAD\_HOSTS}, they will be used as well.
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_RSYNC\_HOSTS="mirror5.lan.mysite.net"
-\textit{Type: string}
-Put here the destination for RSYNC-only uploads, this key overrides 
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_RSYNC\_DESTINATION="/var/archives/rsync-snapshots"
-\textit{Type: boolean, default: \texttt{false}.}
-You can choose to dereference files pointed by symlinks in your RSYNC snapshots.
-This feature should be used with care.
-   export BM\_UPLOAD\_RSYNC\_DUMPSYMLINKS="false"
-\textit{Another way of storing your archives to a safe place is to use external media.}
-In version 0.7.5, only CDs and DVDs are supported as external media, so we will discuss
-in this section only the \texttt{BM\_BURNING} features. 
-Other exports are expected to come in next versions though.
-\subsection{Burning CDR/DVD media}
-In the version 0.7.5, Backup Manager supports four different kinds of media: CDR, 
-CDRW and DVD+R(W) and DVD-R(W).
-Set the key \texttt{BM\_BURNING\_METHOD} to the method corresponding to the media you want to burn:
-In \textit{non-interactive mode} (when backup-manager is not lauchned from a terminal),
-any of these methods will try to put the whole archive repository in the media, if it does not 
-fit in the media, it will try to put only the archives built on the day, if that's not possible,
-nothing will be burnt.
-In \textit{interactive mode} (when backup-manager is launched from a terminal),
-the whole repository will be burnt into as many media as needed. When a medium is 
-satured with archives, backup-manager will pause the process asking the user to put a new 
-media inside.
-The \texttt{CDRW} and \texttt{DVD-RW} methods will first blank the media, 
-so you can safely use these methods if you want to use the same medium several times.
-The \texttt{CDR} and \texttt{DVD} medthods won't blank the medium first 
-(DVD+RW media doesn't need blanking, it's possible to re-burn data on-the-fly 
-over such media)..
-DVD media are handled by the tool \texttt{dvd+rw-tools}, problems can occur in CRON environment with 
-\texttt{dvd+rw-tools} versions prior to \texttt{6.1}, make sure to have \texttt{6.1}
-or later if you want to burn DVD media with Backup Manager.
-As usual, you can put \texttt{none} in order to disable the burning process.
-All those burning methods share the same configuration keys, so it's easy to
-switch from a medium to another.
-\textit{Type: string, default: \texttt{/dev/cdrom}.}
-This is mandatory for using the burning feature, it's the device 
-to use for mounting the media. It's needed by backup manager for 
-performing the MD5 checks and for other needs.
-   export BM\_BURNING\_DEVICE="/dev/cdrom"
-\textit{Type: string}
-Backup Manager uses \texttt{cdrecord} for burning CDs. If when you run
-\texttt{cdrecord -scanbus} you don't see your burning device, that means you will have to 
-force the device in ATA mode. 
-To tell Backup Manager to do so, just put here the path to your device, and a switch will be appended to the
-cdrecord commandline like the following : \texttt{cdrecrord \dots{} dev=\$BM\_BURNING\_DEVFORCED \dots{}}.
-Leave this configuration key blank if you see your device with \texttt{cdrecord -scanbus}, 
-in this case, Backup Manager will use the default cdrecord device for burning CDR media.
-   export BM\_BURNING\_DEVFORCED="/dev/cdrom"
-\textit{Type: string, default: ``-R -J''}
-Media burned with Backup Manager will be made using a Joliet disc image. 
-The flags defined in that variable will be appended to the mkisofs command
-lines in order to specify wich media image to use.
-The default value ``-R -J'' produces a Joliet image, if you want to make 
-non-Joliet disc images, you can change these flags. Refer to the manpage of
-mkisofs for details about possible disc images.
-Don't change that variable if you don't know what you're doing.
-   export BM\_BURNING\_ISO\_FLAGS="-R -J"
-\textit{Type: integer, default: \texttt{700}.}
-This is where you define the maximum size (in megabytes) 
-of the media you will put in the device.
-Here is the list of the common sizes:
-CDR/CDRW: 650, 700, 800
-DVD: 4700
-When Backup Manager looks in the repository for burning data, it will try to put 
-the whole archive repository in the media. If the summarized size of the
-repository does not fit in \texttt{BM\_BURNING\_MAXSIZE}, Backup Manager will then 
-try to put only the archives of the day.
-Example for a CD burner
-   export BM\_BURNING\_MAXSIZE="700"
-Example for a DVD burner:
-   export BM\_BURNING\_METHOD="DVD"
-   export BM\_BURNING\_MAXSIZE="4700"
-\textit{Type: boolean, default: \texttt{true}.}
-If this boolean is set to a true value, every MD5 sum will be checked when the media 
-is burned in order to make sure everything is ok.
-Note that you can choose to perform this checkup with the command 
-switch \texttt{---md5check}.
-   exports BM\_BURNING\_CHKMD5="true"
-\section{Advanced features}
-\textit{A couple of advanced features are provided, they will be covered in this section.}
-\subsection{Logging to syslog}
-If you want to log Backup Manager actions to syslog, you can enable the internal
-logger, this is done with the configuration key \texttt{BM\_LOGGER}. You are also
-able to choose which syslog facility to use thanks to the key
-\textit{Type: boolean, default: \texttt{true}.}
-If this boolean is set to true, Backup Manager will log everything to syslog.
-   exports BM\_LOGGER="true"
-\textit{Type: string, default: \texttt{user}.}
-You can specify here a syslog facility to use, this can be useful if you like to
-filter messages from Backup Manager to a special syslog file.
-   exports BM\_LOGGER\_FACILITY="cron"
-\subsection{Writing external hooks}
-You have the availability to write your own hooks if you want to automate some
-special beaviours within the Backup Manager process. You may like to mount over NFS your
-archive repository \textit{before} the backup session and unmount it after, or
-you may like to launch your own uploader script when the backup session is
-In order to let you implement any solution you like, Backup Manager provides two
-different hooks: the \textit{pre-command} and \textit{post-command} hooks.
-\textit{Type: string}
-Put here the path to a program (or a shell command) to launch before the backup
-session. If the command fails (exits with non zero value, or prints the keyword
-\texttt{false} on stdout) the backup session will stop. If the pre-command
-succeeds, the process can follow.
-Example with a basic shell command:
-   export BM\_PRE\_BACKUP\_COMMAND="mount -t nfs mirror.lan.net:/exports/backups /var/archives"
-Example with a custom script:
-   export BM\_PRE\_BACKUP\_COMMAND="/usr/local/bin/backup-prepare.pl \$TODAY"
-\textit{Type: string}
-Put here the path to a program (or a shell command) to launch after the backup
-session. If the command fails (exits with non zero value, or prints the keyword
-\texttt{false} on stdout) Backup Manager will exit with an error code (and will log to
-syslog the post-command failure if the logger is enabled).
-Example with a basic shell command:
-   export BM\_POST\_BACKUP\_COMMAND="umount /var/archives"
-Example with a custom script:
-   export BM\_POST\_BACKUP\_COMMAND="/usr/local/bin/backup-cleanup.pl \$TODAY"
-\chapter{Using Backup Manager}
-\textit{Now that you know in details how to write your configuration files, 
-let's see how to use Backup Manager.}
-\section{Command line}
-In version 0.7.5, Backup Manager can only be used by \texttt{root}, 
-as it has be designed as a systemwide tool.
-   \$ backup-manager
-   backup-manager must be run as root.
-If you want to launch it from the command line, you first have to use the \texttt{root}
-   \$ su
-   Password:
-   \# backup-manager -h
-   /usr/sbin/backup-manager [options]
-   Output:
-   --help|-h           : Print this short help message.
-   --verbose|-v        : Print what happens on STDOUT.
-   --no-warnings       : Disable warnings.
-   Single actions:
-   --upload|-u         : Just upload the files of the day.
-   --burn|-b           : Just burn the files of the day.
-   --md5check|-m       : Just test the md5 sums.
-   --purge|-p          : Just purge old archives.
-   Behaviour:
-   --conffile|-c file  : Choose an alternate config file.
-   --force|-f          : Force overwrite of existing archives.
-   Unwanted actions:
-   --no-upload         : Disable the upload process.
-   --no-burn           : Disable the burning process.
-   --no-purge          : Disable the purge process.
-   ouranos:/home/sukria\#
-As you can see in the example above, using the \texttt{-h} switch (or \texttt{---help}) gives 
-a short help message and prints all supported command switches.
-We will cover in this section each of them.
-The following switches can be used for altering Backup Manager's behaviour.
-Prints on stdout the Backup Manager version installed on the system and exit.
-   \# backup-manager --version
-   Backup Manager 0.6
-\subsubsection{\texttt{---verbose} or \texttt{-v}}
-Using this switch will enabled the verbose mode. All actions are reported on stdout.
-   \# backup-manager -v
-   Getting lock for backup-manager 10605 with /etc/backup-manager.conf: ok
-   Cleaning /var/archives
-   Entering directory /var/archives/lost+found.
-   [...]
-When a non-critical problem occurs (an error occured but the backup process can follow)
-Backup Manager will print a warning message (and will log it if the logger is enabled).
-If you don't want to see warning messages, you can append this switch on the command line.
-\subsubsection{\texttt{---conffile} or \texttt{-c}}
-Backup Manager relies on configuration files, by default, the file \texttt{/etc/backup-manager.conf} is used but 
-you can choose to run it with a different one. This is done by using the following syntax :
-   \# backup-manager -c \textless{}FILE\textgreater{}
-Note that Backup Manager is designed to work properly when launched in parallel mode with different configuration 
-files, but it will refuse to run twice at the same time with the same configuration file.
-You can then safely do something like that:
-   \# backup-manager -c /etc/backup-manager/backup-nfs.conf \&
-   \# backup-manager -c /etc/backup-manager/backup-homedirs.conf \&
-   \# backup-manager -c /etc/backup-manager/backup-rsync-filer.conf
-When building an archive, Backup Manager looks if the archive already exists in the repository, if so, a warning 
-is sent saying that the archive exists. If you want to bypass this warning and overwrite archives, use 
-this switch.
-\subsubsection{\texttt{---upload} or \texttt{-u}}
-If you have made a configuration file that enables the uploading system, you can ask Backup Manager to 
-perform the uploading session instead of the whole process with this switch.
-\subsubsection{\texttt{---burn} or \texttt{-b} [\textless{}DATE\textgreater{}]}
-If you have made a configuration file that enables the burning system, you can ask Backup Manager to 
-perform the burning session instead of the whole process with this switch.
-You can also ask Backup Manager to burn only archives of a given date with providing a timestamp 
-after the \texttt{---burn} switch.
-Burning all the archives made on March, 12nd 2006:
-   \# backup-manager --bnurn 20060312
-\subsubsection{\texttt{---md5check} or \texttt{-m}}
-If you have made a configuration file that enables the MD5 checks on burnt media, you can ask Backup Manager to 
-perform the MD5 checks instead of the whole process with this switch.
-\subsubsection{\texttt{---purge} or \texttt{-p}}
-This switch will as Backup Manager to just perform the archive repository purge: 
-removing any depreacted archives (according to \texttt{BM\_ARCHIVE\_TTL}.
-\subsubsection{\texttt{---no-upload} or \texttt{-p}}
-Use this switch if you have a configuration file that enables the uploading system and want to run
-Backup Manager without it.
-Use this switch if you have a configuration file that enables the burning system and want to run
-Backup Manager without it.
-\subsubsection{\texttt{---no-purge} or \texttt{-p}}
-Use this switch if you want to disable the purging phase. This can be useful if you like 
-to implement another kind of purging system, with a post-command hook for instance.
-\section{CRON integration}
-There is a global idea behind Backup Manager's design: ``\textit{You won't do it if you have to think about it}''.
-This is specifically true for backup concerns and it is strongly adviced to automate your 
-backup process with a tasks scheduler like CRON.
-Setting up a Backup Manager job in cron is pretty easy, you just have to write a shell script under
-the appropriate CRON sub-directory that will call backup-manager. 
-The best sub-directory to choose is \texttt{/etc/cron.daily} as Backup Manager handles daily archives.
-Here is an example of a CRON script:
-   cat > /etc/cron.daily/backup-manager
-   \#!/bin/sh
-   /usr/sbin/backup-manager
-If you want to be notified by mail if a problem occurs during the backup session, 
-just make sure you receive mails coming from CRON. When the verbose mode is off, 
-only warnings and errors are printed on stdout, so you will receive a mail from
-the Backup Manager CRON job only in case of unexpected effects.
-On the other hand, if you like to receive daily mails from the job, even if everything
-went well, just append the --verbose switch like that :
-   cat > /etc/cron.daily/backup-manager
-   \#!/bin/sh
-   /usr/sbin/backup-manager --verbose

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-\select at language {english}
-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {1}About this manual}{1}{chapter.1}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.1}Scope}{1}{section.1.1}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.2}Version}{1}{section.1.2}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.3}Authors}{1}{section.1.3}
-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {2}Configuration files}{3}{chapter.2}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.1}Repository and Archives}{3}{section.2.1}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.1.1}The Repository}{3}{subsection.2.1.1}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_REPOSITORY\_ROOT}}{3}{section*.3}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_REPOSITORY\_SECURE}}{3}{section*.4}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.1.2}Archives}{4}{subsection.2.1.2}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_ARCHIVE\_PURGEDUPS}}{4}{section*.5}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_ARCHIVE\_TTL}}{4}{section*.6}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_REPOSITORY\_RECURSIVEPURGE}}{5}{section*.7}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_ARCHIVE\_PREFIX}}{5}{section*.8}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.2}Backup Methods}{6}{section.2.2}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.2.1}Tarballs}{6}{subsection.2.2.1}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{6}{section*.9}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALL\_NAMEFORMAT}}{7}{section*.10}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALL\_FILETYPE}}{7}{section*.11}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALL\_SLICESIZE}}{7}{section*.12}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALL\_EXTRA\_OPTIONS}}{8}{section*.13}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALL\_DUMPSYMLINKS}}{8}{section*.14}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALL\_DIRECTORIES}}{8}{section*.15}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALL\_TARGETS}}{8}{section*.16}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALL\_BLACKLIST}}{9}{section*.17}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALL\_OVER\_SSH}}{9}{section*.18}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.2.2}Incremental tarballs}{10}{subsection.2.2.2}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{10}{section*.19}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALLINC\_MASTERDATETYPE}}{11}{section*.20}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_TARBALLINC\_MASTERDATEVALUE}}{11}{section*.21}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.2.3}MySQL databases}{11}{subsection.2.2.3}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{11}{section*.22}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_MYSQL\_DATABASES}}{11}{section*.23}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_MYSQL\_SAFEDUMPS}}{12}{section*.24}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_MYSQL\_ADMINLOGIN}}{12}{section*.25}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_MYSQL\_HOST}}{12}{section*.26}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_MYSQL\_PORT}}{12}{section*.27}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_MYSQL\_FILETYPE}}{13}{section*.28}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.2.4}Subversion repositories}{13}{subsection.2.2.4}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{13}{section*.29}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_SVN\_REPOSITORIES}}{13}{section*.30}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_SVN\_COMPRESSWITH}}{13}{section*.31}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.2.5}Generic methods}{14}{subsection.2.2.5}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{14}{section*.32}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{Example}{14}{section*.33}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.3}Upload Methods}{15}{section.2.3}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3.1}Description}{15}{subsection.2.3.1}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3.2}Global configuration keys}{15}{subsection.2.3.2}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_HOSTS}}{15}{section*.34}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_DESTINATION}}{15}{section*.35}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3.3}SSH uploads}{16}{subsection.2.3.3}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{16}{section*.36}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_USER}}{16}{section*.37}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_KEY}}{16}{section*.38}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_PORT}}{17}{section*.39}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_HOSTS}}{17}{section*.40}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_PURGE}}{17}{section*.41}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_DESTINATION}}{17}{section*.42}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3.4}Encrypted SSH uploads}{18}{subsection.2.3.4}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{18}{section*.43}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_SSH\_GPG\_RECIPIENT}}{18}{section*.44}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3.5}FTP uploads}{18}{subsection.2.3.5}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{18}{section*.45}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_SECURE}}{18}{section*.46}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_PASSIVE}}{19}{section*.47}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_TTL}}{19}{section*.48}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_USER}}{19}{section*.49}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_PASSWORD}}{20}{section*.50}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_HOSTS}}{20}{section*.51}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_DESTINATION}}{20}{section*.52}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_FTP\_PURGE}}{20}{section*.53}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3.6}Amazon S3 uploads}{21}{subsection.2.3.6}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{21}{section*.54}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_S3\_DESTINATION}}{21}{section*.55}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_S3\_ACCESS\_KEY}}{21}{section*.56}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_S3\_SECRET\_KEY}}{22}{section*.57}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_S3\_PURGE}}{22}{section*.58}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3.7}RSYNC uploads}{22}{subsection.2.3.7}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{Description}{22}{section*.59}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_RSYNC\_DIRECTORIES}}{22}{section*.60}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_RSYNC\_HOSTS}}{23}{section*.61}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_RSYNC\_DESTINATION}}{23}{section*.62}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_UPLOAD\_RSYNC\_DUMPSYMLINKS}}{23}{section*.63}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.4}Exports}{23}{section.2.4}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.4.1}Burning CDR/DVD media}{23}{subsection.2.4.1}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_BURNING\_METHOD}}{24}{section*.64}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_BURNING\_DEVICE}}{24}{section*.65}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_BURNING\_DEVFORCED}}{25}{section*.66}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_BURNING\_ISO\_FLAGS}}{25}{section*.67}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_BURNING\_MAXSIZE}}{25}{section*.68}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_BURNING\_CHKMD5}}{26}{section*.69}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.5}Advanced features}{26}{section.2.5}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.5.1}Logging to syslog}{26}{subsection.2.5.1}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_LOGGER}}{26}{section*.70}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_LOGGER\_FACILITY}}{27}{section*.71}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.5.2}Writing external hooks}{27}{subsection.2.5.2}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_PRE\_BACKUP\_COMMAND}}{27}{section*.72}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {BM\_POST\_BACKUP\_COMMAND}}{27}{section*.73}
-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {3}Using Backup Manager}{29}{chapter.3}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.1}Command line}{29}{section.3.1}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.1.1}Restrictions}{29}{subsection.3.1.1}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.1.2}Options}{30}{subsection.3.1.2}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {---version}}{30}{section*.74}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {---verbose} or \texttt {-v}}{30}{section*.75}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {---no-warnings}}{30}{section*.76}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {---conffile} or \texttt {-c}}{31}{section*.77}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {---force}}{31}{section*.78}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {---upload} or \texttt {-u}}{31}{section*.79}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {---burn} or \texttt {-b} [\textless {}DATE\textgreater {}]}{31}{section*.80}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {---md5check} or \texttt {-m}}{31}{section*.81}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {---purge} or \texttt {-p}}{32}{section*.82}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {---no-upload} or \texttt {-p}}{32}{section*.83}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {---no-burn}}{32}{section*.84}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{\texttt {---no-purge} or \texttt {-p}}{32}{section*.85}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.2}CRON integration}{32}{section.3.2}

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