[pkg-bioc] RE: [R-sig-Debian] "Debain" way of installing packages

Gorjanc Gregor Gregor.Gorjanc@bfro.uni-lj.si
Wed, 27 Apr 2005 11:51:10 +0200


> ----Original Message-----
> From: Dirk Eddelbuettel [mailto:edd@debian.org]
> Sent: sre 2005-04-27 02:35
> To: Gorjanc Gregor
> Cc: r-sig-debian@r-project.org; =
pkg-bioc-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org; Chris Lawrence
> Subject: RE: [R-sig-Debian] "Debain" way of installing packages
> =20
> On 26 April 2005 at 12:11, Gorjanc Gregor wrote:
> | > properly, which is why I think the high-end solution is to provide =
a robust
> | > script, maybe with a db backend, that debianises what is on CRAN =
-- similar
> | What do you mean by a db (I suppose databse) backend, that =
debianises ...?
> Yes, to keep track of versions, of what has been packaged, of meta =
data as
> e.g. mapping of package names between Debian and CRAN, of exceptions =
(CRAN is
> somwhat more lenient with licenses) etc pp.  "Debianising" is =
stateful, so we
> need memory. Flat files may well do for the time being before we =
switch to an
> actual db (which may just be sqlite, ie a binary file as backend).
OK, I see. It's clearer to me now. Thanks!

> | If I understand you propose to debianize all R packages and then =
simply use
> | apt-get. This would probably be the easisest way, however only if =
this is really
> | achivable. My help on debianization can be very small since I have =
never tried
> | to do that, but I am willing to learn and help.
> |=20
> | If previous is true, you think that some sort script I proposed is =
not OK for
> | mixing?
> We actually have scripts that "work", they simply need testing, =
extending and
> polishing. If you register yourself on alioth.d.o, you can check it =
out of
> the archive and play with it.
I will try that and play with scripts. However my idea was to provide =
within R i.e. through "debian.install.packages" or something like that. =
do you think about that feature? It would be nice to have since we can =
all packages debianized, but if someone uses install.packages then ... =
it is truth that Debian packages will be loaded first, since its lib is =
default before R packages installed by install.packages. Am I right?

> | What is the case with Windows? Do you mean build of binary packages =
for Windows
> | or what?
> That was just an example as CRAN provides binaries for Windows. My =
medium to
> longer-term vision is binaries for Debian and its derivative distros.
How does Uwe Ligges perform all those binary builds for Windows?

Regards, Gregor