[pkg-bioc] how to proceed?

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd@debian.org
Sat, 5 Feb 2005 17:10:31 -0600

Chopping this down a bit now ...

On 5 February 2005 at 21:13, Steffen Moeller wrote:
| Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| >iii) Getting all the interpackage Depends right is at least as important.
| >  
| >
| Right. cran2deb.pl would then extend the dependencies from the CRAN 
| package towards build-deps in Debian and the missing ones in CRAN while 
| upstream has not completed them.

Just to be clear: cran2deb.pl is (was?) a rough script to build many (almost
all) available packages.  

So it is almost the opposite of dh-make-perl as it does not operate on a
single package, but rather the collection.  The bioc variant was similar.

| But since it depends on non-free Graphviz ist needs to go to contrib, 
| not to main. ..... Aaah, b) gives the answer. I did not know that.

It was pretty recently, but mentioned on debian-devel and the debian-news
summary, I think.

| Hm. If I understand you right then this is what I meant with "used in an 
| automated fashion" above. The cran2deb I see only for a single package 
| at a time. Since the submitter has a working installation of everything, 

See above -- you cannot do it one at a time because you need to know 'all' of
CRAN to encode the inter-CRAN package depends. Or those from BioC down to CRAN.

I just added the config as static variables ("hashes" in Perl) in the script
itself. Would be easy to do outside of the script, but somebody's gotta do it.

| Me personally, no. Aren't CRAN debs available from Graz or something 
| today? If our packages are successful, then there will be a site I am 

Built against stable, though, and not updated regularly.

| very confident. If not, then we should not worry about it either.
| >| suggested or depended on from my point of view.
| >
| >That may be the best we can do, but it is very scattershot.  Having all of
| >CRAN in reach of apt-get would be nicer.
| >  
| >
| Some packages of CRAN seem a bit strange, like the source code of some 
| particular book and so on. Not too many would miss these, I think.

Au contraire -- those are often examples from books and not all


Better to have an approximate answer to the right question than a precise 
answer to the wrong question.  --  John Tukey as quoted by John Chambers