[pkg-bioc] how to proceed?

Steffen Moeller steffen_moeller@gmx.de
Sun, 06 Feb 2005 01:23:38 +0100

So, would you contribute cran2deb.pl and we mere mortals do the 
adoptions for more flexibility?

For a start I do not see to much of a difference between having a hash 
within the source or external since we are communicating this via 
cvs/subversion anyway.

Maybe we should specify our particular interests within Bioconductor:


Special interest:
  Gene Ontology associated packages
  Genotyping (r-cran-qtl (maintained by myself, sponsored by Dirk), 
r-cran-bqtl (on my inofficial todo list)
  Expression data and genefilter
  Limma and LimmaGui, Affymetrix orthologues
What I would use but not be too much interested in for maintenance
   KEGG and other pathway packages
   Mass spectrometry

Some new development for Bioconductor I am thinking about:
   Link to EnsEMBL