[pkg-bioc] how to proceed?

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd@debian.org
Sat, 5 Feb 2005 18:37:48 -0600

On 6 February 2005 at 01:23, Steffen Moeller wrote:
| So, would you contribute cran2deb.pl and we mere mortals do the 
| adoptions for more flexibility?

Of course. Matt got a copy aeons ago; I think that is (should) be hanging
around somewhere on alioth.

I also sent a copy to Elijah a few weeks ago when he (rightly) bugged me
about lack of progress on the debianisation of CRAN.

Shall I repost is again on alioth?  Problem is, the code is a little messy
and dependent on how I had stuff lined up on my box.  Shall we rewrite that
for alioth, or all individually for our home/work machines?  May be the
latter as we'll need an esoteric mix of build depends as well...
| For a start I do not see to much of a difference between having a hash 
| within the source or external since we are communicating this via 
| cvs/subversion anyway.
| Maybe we should specify our particular interests within Bioconductor:
| Steffen:
| Special interest:
|   Gene Ontology associated packages
|   Genotyping (r-cran-qtl (maintained by myself, sponsored by Dirk), 
| r-cran-bqtl (on my inofficial todo list)
|   Expression data and genefilter
|   Limma and LimmaGui, Affymetrix orthologues
| What I would use but not be too much interested in for maintenance
|    KEGG and other pathway packages
|    Mass spectrometry
|    *affy*
|    *SNP*
| Some new development for Bioconductor I am thinking about:
|    Link to EnsEMBL

Dirk:  BioC: nothing really but some of the general-interest stuff is neat
       CRAN: applied econometrics, financial econometrics, applied stats
       in sum anything and nothing


Better to have an approximate answer to the right question than a precise 
answer to the wrong question.  --  John Tukey as quoted by John Chambers