[pkg-bioc] how to proceed?

"Steffen Möller" steffen_moeller@gmx.de
Sun, 6 Feb 2005 19:27:42 +0100 (MET)

> On 5 February 2005 at 21:00, elijah wright wrote:
> | 
> | > | >That may be the best we can do, but it is very scattershot.  Having
> | > all of | >CRAN in reach of apt-get would be nicer. | > | Some packages
> | > of CRAN seem a bit strange, like the source code of some | particular 
> | > book and so on. Not too many would miss these, I think.
> | >
> | > Au contraire -- those are often examples from books and not all 
> | > esoteric.
> | 
> | i have to agree with dirk, here - we have to support a lab with R on the
> | machines, and it turns out that the packages of "source code from books"
> | (especially MASS and VR) are quite necessary to have available.  :)
> Unlucky example because these are of course in stock r-base, but:
> -- I bought the Devore basic stats textbook /because/ Doug Bates produces
> one
>    (by now two) excellent packages with the examples;
> -- have used the example package for Dalgaard'd Intro R book (ISwR);
> -- should have bought the book by John MacDonald (DAAG)
> That's three from the top of my head ...  I know one package is for an
> Italian R book; I'll pass on that.
> Anyway, we were digressing.  How will we do some actual work?  Should we
> base
> it as much R code as possible (I think that would work) or start with the
> Perl hack?
> Dirk
> -- 
> Better to have an approximate answer to the right question than a precise 
> answer to the wrong question.  --  John Tukey as quoted by John Chambers

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