[pkg-bioc] Re: Bioconductor packages - my try

elijah wright elw@stderr.org
Sun, 6 Feb 2005 13:36:21 -0600 (CST)

> There is something we have not discussed yet. The locus link source
> package is 50 MB compressed, hence fairly huge for the Debian infrastructure to
> manage.  And we need this about three times for human, mouse, rat, but
> we all know that chimp, fish, cow are all due to come. Is this an issue
> for
>  * a separate distribution of data packages?
>  * a dynamic creation of such sources on the user's side?
>  * both?

do the cran disk mirrors have enough space / bandwidth /etc to maintain a 
seperate archive of debian cran data packages?

i don't think it would be a *bad* thing to add 500-600 packages to debian 
- it'll annoy some folks, sure, but this is on par with the perl module 
packaging folks introducing an average of a new module every 3 days or 
so... and makes debian a whole lot more attractive for doing statistically 
sound science.

oh, there should probably be some task-r-xxxx packages for various chunks 
of this...
