[pkg-bioc] how to proceed?

Steffen Moeller steffen_moeller@gmx.de
Tue, 08 Feb 2005 17:29:31 +0100


I have extended the number of bioconductor packages that I did Debian 
packages for.

deb http://bioinformatics.pzr.uni-rostock.de/~moeller/debian/ ./

Since these apparently work, at least the route towards affylmGUI, I 
thought it would be nice if others joined in and gave feedback on their 
particular package of interest.

I tried to make them lintian-clean. This was not always possible since 
images are not allowed in /usr/lib and Dirk's magic rules do not 
ca(te)r(e) for this separation towards /usr/share - and should not IMHO 
in order to keep things simple(r).

The packages should be substituted by whatever we generate with the 
automated scripts, though as Dirk already said, we need to make sure we 
have the right dependencies and superior descriptions for everything. So 
please let your comments fly in. Also tell me if a package of particular 
importance for you is missing in the repository.

I suggest to create the home page for the alioth project of ours with 
the URLs of all the packages we have done.

Question: Is limma CRAN or Bioconductor? I put it to CRAN.

