[pkg-bioc] how to proceed?

Steffen Moeller steffen_moeller@gmx.de
Sun, 20 Feb 2005 21:57:49 +0100


alioth is fine - 
there was a colon at the end - maybe that was the culprit of your 
problem. It would be great if you could submit you changes back there 
for our internal communication.

I am too busy at the moment, a situation I hope to ease later next month 
during my vacation, to contribute much. I have found to submit a patch 
to the pie function back to the R core team at least  and did an 
analysis with affylmgui. Nice. I have learnt a lot which should be 
beneficial to our Debianisation, too.

If you start with a mirror of CRAN then this is fine. However, I would 
much prefer if we could strive towards a merger of that automated script 
with the normal Debian build process, much like what a buildd would do. 
Dependencies IMHO should be matched by the Debian apt-get functionality 
whenever possible. If this is not possible, then the package missing 
should be built first. This would avoid to maintain a full mirror of CRAN.

Many greetings, please report on you success/remaining problem with CVS 
on alioth.


Egon Willighagen wrote:

>On Saturday 19 February 2005 22:15, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
>>| Did you download those manually? Or do you use a script or a rsync
>>| command for that?
>>I used a wget command that is in the comments header:
>>#      - the command
>>#            wget --retr-symlinks -I"contrib/main/Descriptions" -nH -m \
>>#                 "ftp://cran.us.r-project.org/contrib/main/"
>>#        retrieves the top-level files as well as the Descriptions dir
>>#        and nothing else
>Ah. Saw that, but did not recognize it for downloading the packages itself...
>>| > BioC has its own mechanism with reposTools.
>>| Can you send the bioc2deb.pl too?
>>I did, actually. Didn't you get it? It should also be on alioth now.
>In CVS? What's the module? CVS Browse is giving me an error:
>An error occurred while loading 
>Unexpected end of data, some information may be lost.
>>Anyway, I'll re-attach bioc2deb.pl and BIOC2DEB.pm.
>>| > It would be nice if you (or someone else) could try to run the script
>>| > and see what happens. You will probably need to update things like
>>| > build dependencies.
>>| Yes, I want to try to get things build. I've got a amd64 machine so that
>>| would give a nice extra dimension for the packages with C/fortran/etc
>>| code.
>>Excellent news on both counts.
>I'll report on it soon. I'm downloading tar.gz's now, but won't be online the 
>rest of the day...