[pkg-bioc] i386 builds of CRAN
Rafael Laboissiere
Rafael Laboissiere <rafael@debian.org>
Wed, 8 Jun 2005 11:05:33 +0200
* Steffen Moeller <moeller@pzr.uni-rostock.de> [2005-06-06 23:15]:
> On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 at 10:15:42PM +0200, Rafael Laboissiere wrote:
> > In this case I think that it is better to set the redirect for now,
> > what I will do soon. In the future, if we decide to use our own
> > wiki, it is already in place.
> What just jumped to my mind, every package could get its own Wiki page
> and this is where one could store the change descriptions etc., though,
> this seems a bit too insecure for anything that should eventually be
> installed by a large user base, or should one just try?
I do not think that a Wiki would be appropriate for that, since the web
pages containing package informations should be automatically generated.
> > Another issue: in AliothPkgBioc page it is mentioned that a permanent
> > sponsor of disk space is sought. What about using the
> > pkg-bioc.alioth.d.o area? The Alioth web server has now lots of disk
> > space (55 Gb free as I write this). It would be appropriate though to
> > ask before the Alioth admins. How much disk space does the
> > public.pzr.uni-rostock.de repository currently take?
> CRAN is 333M, packages and sources. If alioth has problems hosting us, I
> happily grant access to public.pzr.uni-rostock.de to Debian developers
> if the need arises.
I asked the Alioth admins at the #alioth channel about hosting the
apt-get repository at pkg-bioc.alioth.debian.org. Here is a excerpt of
the IRC discussion:
<Raf> Lo-lan-do: The pkg-bioc project, which is debianizing the CRAN
repository, needs a permanent host for the apt-get repository currently at
http://public.pzr.uni-rostock.de/~moeller/mirror. This repository takes
333 Mb now. Do you think we could use the web area at pkg-bioc.alioth.d.o
for that?
<Lo-lan-do> I can't see why not. The whole of amd64 was hosted on Alioth not
so long ago.
<Lo-lan-do> You'd better get a confirmation from wiggy though.
<Lo-lan-do> Also, if you plan on using mini-dinstall, please use it in batch
mode triggered by uploads, and not as a daemon.
<Lo-lan-do> We get enough crontabs of our own...
<Raf> Lo-lan-do: Thanks.
<Raf> Is wiggy around?
<wiggy> yes
<wiggy> no problem
[Lo-lan-do is Roland Mas, and wiggy is Wichert Akkerman.]
If we choose the Alioth route, then any of the pkg-bioc developers will
be able to manipulate the repository.
I will take a look at mini-dinstall. We must automate the whole process
of package upload and update of the apt-getable repository at
pkg-bioc.alioth.d.o. I cannot really promise, but I will try to take a
look at this before the Summer. The first step will be to get acquainted
with cran2deb...