[pkg-bioc] Request for description of setup mirroring etc

Egon Willighagen e.willighagen@science.ru.nl
Thu, 19 May 2005 09:25:44 +0200

On Wednesday 18 May 2005 09:51 am, Steffen Moeller wrote:
> Egon Willighagen wrote:
> >>For Bioconductor we have not addressed the issue of these data packages
> >>yet. We certainly need them only once.
> >
> >What do you mean with 'only once'?
> I thought that since the packages are updated fairly regularly, an
> update of the automated build procedure can easily wait until the next
> release of an upstream package. To reserve the local disk space for the
> CRAN mirror would then not required.

IC. Indeed.

> How irritated would you be, Egon, if we merged cran2deb and bioc2deb
> again? 

Not at all. I haven't written the scripts, only hacked in the cran2deb.pl...
And I don't even know the exact details why there are split...

> Well, I'll start with the CRAN and then see how BioC works and 
> come back to you.

Ok. There's a glitch in cran2deb.pl... Recently, I've added some logging of 
the changelog, which works, but there needs to be added some detection if a 
new deb package needs to be build based on version numbering of cran2deb.pl 
and CRAN2DEB.pm...

> However, somehow I feel this separation to be very artificial.

How important it is to merge them?
