[pkg-bioc] Hello!

Johannes Ranke jranke at uni-bremen.de
Thu Jun 8 13:42:35 UTC 2006

Dear CRAN and BioC packagers,

Some time ago I have converted my own CRAN package drfit to a Debian
package, just using the debian/ subdirectory of one of the packages
maintained by Dirk. Since I don't really have a strong need for the
package I created, I did not pursue this further.

Now I just read the latest R News issue and thought it would be 
great to have the doBy package in Debian. Other packages that I 
use are odesolve and drc, so there are some starting points...

Some comments so far:

	- The project summary obviously doesn't represent the current scope
	  of the project. It would be good to rephrase the sentence to say 
	  something like:

	  "Collaborative packaging for packages for GNU R from CRAN
	  (cran.r-project.org) and the Bioconductor project [www.bioconductor.org]
	  "Analysis of genomic data based on GNU R".

	- Is it possible to edit the anonymous CVS instructions to mention
	  the module name "tools" to check out? My konqueror (3.5.3 from
	  Debian sid) doesn't display the cvsweb script output, and I had to
	  browse the list archives in order to find out that Frederic
	  Lehobey had the same problem. Of course, reading the list
	  archives is good when new to the project :)

My user name, BTW is jranke-guest, in case this is enough to get added
to the project :) I could take care of a couple of packages
(dependencies, name mappings and such), but I am not a Debian developer.

Kind regards,


Dr. Johannes Ranke                 jranke at uni-bremen.de
UFT Bremen, Leobenerstr. 1         +49 421 218 8971 
D-28359 Bremen                     http://www.uft.uni-bremen.de/chemie/ranke

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