[pkg-bioc] Hello!
Dirk Eddelbuettel
edd at debian.org
Thu Jun 8 14:28:31 UTC 2006
Hi Johannes,
On 8 June 2006 at 15:42, Johannes Ranke wrote:
| Dear CRAN and BioC packagers,
| Some time ago I have converted my own CRAN package drfit to a Debian
| package, just using the debian/ subdirectory of one of the packages
| maintained by Dirk. Since I don't really have a strong need for the
| package I created, I did not pursue this further.
| Now I just read the latest R News issue and thought it would be
| great to have the doBy package in Debian. Other packages that I
| use are odesolve and drc, so there are some starting points...
| Some comments so far:
| - The project summary obviously doesn't represent the current scope
| of the project. It would be good to rephrase the sentence to say
| something like:
| "Collaborative packaging for packages for GNU R from CRAN
| (cran.r-project.org) and the Bioconductor project [www.bioconductor.org]
| "Analysis of genomic data based on GNU R".
| - Is it possible to edit the anonymous CVS instructions to mention
| the module name "tools" to check out? My konqueror (3.5.3 from
| Debian sid) doesn't display the cvsweb script output, and I had to
| browse the list archives in order to find out that Frederic
| Lehobey had the same problem. Of course, reading the list
| archives is good when new to the project :)
| My user name, BTW is jranke-guest, in case this is enough to get added
| to the project :) I could take care of a couple of packages
| (dependencies, name mappings and such), but I am not a Debian developer.
You've just been added. [ I also made Rafael a full-fledged project manager
with all the magic powers Matt and I have; Rafael really knows all the right
alioth tricks ]
I would welcome enhancements / clarifications on the web pages -- I also find
some of the text Steffen put there about the 'mission statement' a little,
err, well, confusing. So if you have some ideas, why don't you run them by
here for checks and otherwise go ahead.
But just to clarify: This project isn;t about maintaining CRAN/BioC packages
in Debian. It could be -- up for discussion. So what is it? We're trying
to write script(s) to automate the process and have fragments that sort-of do
the job, albeit clumsily. So don't expect doBy in Debian just like that. [
You can of course prepare a package and seek a sponsor in the usual Debian
ways. ]
Now the good news is that while we didn't get the Google Summer of Code
project I had suggested on the Debian wiki, we did get a show of hands from
Andrew (CC'ed, Hi Andrew!) who wants to work on this during the summer even
without Google sponsorship. Way to go Andrew!! [ And don't forget to
register yourself on alioth.debian.org so that we can add you too ... ] So
maybe in a few months time we do indeed have the infrastructre to do regular
Debian builds of large chunks of CRAN and/or BioC. Would be nice ...
Now, for the current Perl code, I have a slightly modified version at home
that isn't fully complete. I may comment some experimental bits out and check
that back in.
Cheers, Dirk
| Kind regards,
| Johannes
| --
| Dr. Johannes Ranke jranke at uni-bremen.de
| UFT Bremen, Leobenerstr. 1 +49 421 218 8971
| D-28359 Bremen http://www.uft.uni-bremen.de/chemie/ranke
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-- Thomas A. Edison
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