[pkg-bioc] CVS %p

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Sun Apr 22 01:34:10 UTC 2007

On 21 April 2007 at 19:30, Steffen Moeller wrote:
| >   b) naming (!!) [ almost every distro calls, say, Postgres libs
| >      something else ]
| indeed, this is an issue, I do not know if alien manages this. The use of 
| the "_" in package names is different.

AFAICT there is more that just the _.  Some call it postgres, some call it
pg, some may add version numbers to the name --- it's a whole new layer I'd
rather avoid.
| >   c) infrastructure (pbuilder, ...)
| I think we should go the "alien"-route if we seek for packages beyond
| Debian.

And we should stay clear of that. No mission creep -- let's stay focussed on
getting this done without Debian (and its derivatives) which already is a big
enough task.


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                                                  -- Thomas A. Edison

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